My Mental Health Hopes for President Biden’s Emergency NATO Summit in Brussels
Here are 4 hopes for the improvement of the current state of mental health.
Politics, Science, and Trans Youth
Transgender youth need our help.
Psychiatry Can Help Us Spring Forward
Cherry blossoms: a symbol of rebirth.
The New Abolitionists
In this Women’s History Month, let’s remember human trafficking.
We Have a Need: The Ethical Dilemmas for Ukraine and for Our Patients
We face a major ethical dilemma in how to help Ukraine.
Beware: It’s the Ides of March Today!
When you apply politics to everyday life, the harmful physical and psychological effects on our everyday lives become apparent.
Life Imitates Art and Art Imitates Life in Ukraine
What literature can we use to stay updated on the situation in Ukraine?
A Tale of Thanatos and Two Invasions
Is our destructiveness our own undoing?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Psychological Needs is Alive and Well in Ukraine
The hierarchy of 8 human psychological needs—how do we see them in the situation in Ukraine?
It is International Women’s Day, But Mothers from Ukraine and Russia Are Crying
This International Women’s Day, we acknowledge the women in Ukraine and Russia who are struggling.
We Are All Russians, Too
While it is easy to empathize with the victims of war, like Ukrainians, we must also recognize our own capability for destruction.
The Week in Psychiatry and Society
Here are 8 reasons the week was relevant psychiatrically and socially.
The Mental State of Our Union
How did the President address mental health in his State of the Union address?
We Should Have a Unique Opportunity to Address 2 Major Dangers to Humanity
Nuclear war and climate instability driven by a desire for power and money.
Remember the Alamo: Watching a Wired War
We must not allow what happened at the Alamo to happen to Ukraine.
What Would Dr Post Say About President Putin?
The Ukrainian invasion has begun. What does this say of Putin?
Our Own Deteriorating Mental Wellness
The state of US mental health may be poor, but what about psychiatrists specifically?
Do We Have the Worst Mental Health and Care in the World?
Is the US doing a worse job at caring for its citizens mental health than countries like the Netherlands?
The Social Psychiatric Importance of the 2022 Presidents Day for the USA and Our APA
Presidents Day may be a good signifier of the changing times.
Dancing for Your Mental Health
Dancing may be under-recognized and under-appreciated in its potential health benefits.
A Valentine for Psychiatric Times
This Valentine’s Day, there’s a lot of love to go around.
The Humanistic Games: Braver, Kinder, Wiser—Harmoniously
The Olympics: a time of togetherness or tension?
A Psychiatrist May Have Made Musical History
Frank Clark, MD, may have made history this weekend with an epic musical and poetry performance.
What Groundhog Phil Really Wanted to Say About the Climate
What did Punxsutawney Phil really say on Groundhog Day?
In This Year of the Tiger, Should There Be an Eye of the Tiger on Asian-Americans for the Supreme Court?
It might be time for an Asian-American Supreme Court Justice.
Mass Formation Psychosis and the Need for a DSM of Social Psychopathologies
Are social psychiatric problems the responsibility of psychiatrists? Governments? Laws? Sociologists?
Common Sense and the Desire to Help in the Synagogue Hostage Crisis and in Psychiatric Practice
Helping patients is important, but so is a firm sense of physical and psychological safety and security.
Social Psychiatric Lessons Learned and Relearned in the Aftermath of the Synagogue Hostage Crisis
With hate on the rise once more, remember these 10 conclusions.
The Psychiatrist That the Tree of Life Synagogue Shooter Did Not Shoot
Does prior trauma build resilience?
Our Words of the Year 2021, and What They May Be Telling Us
Your words of 2021 are gathered. How did others describe the past pandemic year?