We Can See the Forest for the Trees
We sometimes cannot see situations as they really are when we are in the middle of them. Is this the truth with climate change?
Life, Liberty, and Despair in Rural America
“Give me liberty, or give me death.” How does this apply to rural America today?
Dune and Our Future of Climate Change
The deserts of Arrakis serve as a warning for our own climate crisis.
Dune and the Second Coming of Psychedelics in the United States
What does the movie Dune say about our society’s current relationship with psychedelics?
Digging the Movie Dune (Part 1)
Dune releases in theaters this week. What echoes of our current socio-cultural situation does it contain?
Providing Realistic Optimism for Our Future
In everyday life amidst the tragedies and divisiveness, we see remarkable resilience and recoveries in psychiatry.
The Promise of MacArthur Fellows for Solving Complicated Social Problems
The MacArthur Fellows for this year have been chosen. How is their work contributing to the field of psychiatry?
What Colin Powell’s Life and Death Can Teach Us about Vaccination, Racism, and Coalitions
It was recently announced that Colin Powell has died at the age of 84 from COVID-complications.
Nominate Inspiring Role Models
Do you know any mental health heroes?
Burning Out and Striking Back
Many workers are going on strike. Should psychiatrists join them?
The Psychological Value of a Free Lunch
Is the saying “there is no free lunch” really true?
Going Somewhere You’ve Never Been Before
William Shatner, age 90, just made a brief journey to space—like life imitating art.
Zoom in on Nonverbal Behavior
Small body language cues can tell a bigger story.
The Potluck of Columbus and Indigenous Peoples’ Day
The United States is often called a cultural melting pot, but would a more apt metaphor be a potluck, where cultures are shared rather than erased through blending?
A Modern Day Cain and Abel Story
Are we our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers?
Where Is Our Mental Health Care Whistleblower?
Does mental health care need a whistleblower like Facebook?
Minor League Baseball Players with Major Mental Health Problems
Low pay and poor housing are causing a mental health crisis in minor league baseball.
To Mandate or Not to Mandate Vaccination? That is a Social Psychiatric Question
Getting vaccinated and wearing a mask: the ethical way.
It’s Not Too Late to Apologize to Mothers
Should we apologize to mothers for the blame psychiatry put on them?
We Need to Care About the Mental Health of Police, Too
Rates of law enforcement suicide have increased over the past 5 years. How can this problem be prevented?
Hinckley Still Haunts the House of Psychiatry and the Presidency of the United States
A man tried to kill a president. Should he be released or is he still a threat?
Helping the Resettlement of Afghan Refugees
Our Afghan allies need help.
Waving the White Flags in the Wake of the Pandemic
The National Mall is currently filled with over 660,000 white flags memorializing those lost to COVID-19.
Banning Alcohol on Airplanes, But Not the Unvaccinated
Should the unvaccinated be banned from airports?
Will Halloween Be a Trick or Treat for Our Climate?
The scariest thing this upcoming spooky season? Climate change.
The Milwaukee Bucks Win Another Championship!
Milwaukee has won a different kind of championship: raising up women’s careers.
Broadway is Back, But Should It Still Be Called The Great White Way?
Perhaps it is time to retire Broadway’s nickname in favor of one more representative of our diversity.
The Peril of the Goldwater Rule
Should there be another review of the Goldwater Rule?
The High Holy Days of Psychiatry
Conferences: the holy days of psychiatry.
Reducing Islamophobia Through Apology and Afghan Resettlement Support
These 2 developments should help counter any potential rising Islamophobia.