Some Memes for Mental Health on Veterans Day
This Veterans Day, can you think of a slogan to help promote mental health?
Multi Mental Health Wins in the Midterms
There were multiple wins across categories this election.
We Need More Public Mental Health Memes. Can You Think of Any?
How can we meme-ify mental health for the benefit of all?
I Am Voting for Mental Health
Are you ready to vote?
Hindu Heritage Month
October was Hindu Heritage Month.
To Do or Not To Do Shakespeare in Schools
Shakespeare’s modern-day application has come into question. Here’s why the Bard’s lessons are relevant even today.
Some of My Treats in Psychiatry
Halloween may be over, but the treats are not!
Sorro Encounters Some of the Scariest Topics in the House of Psychiatry
What are the scariest themes from a 50-year career in psychiatry?
Promoting Harmony Over Hate in Child Development Across Religions and Races
Enjoy these pearls from the American and Canadian Associations of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry meeting in Toronto.
Promoting Harmony Instead of Hate in Children and Adolescents Across Religions and Races
Here’s 10 suggestions for how both children and adults can be more tolerant.
Another Burnout Myth: Isolation Causes Burnout
Burnout: likely not a result of isolation, despite claims.
The Psychological Heroism of the Sandy Hook Families
The jury has awarded almost 1 billion dollars to the Sandy Hook families. What toll did the trial take on their mental health?
Synchronicity and Psychiatry: An Ode to Joy!
Coincidence or more? You decide.
A Self-Disclosure on a Mental Health Riddle: Take and Give More Mental Health!
How can putting the needs of oneself first end up putting the other first?
Today is World Mental Health Day and Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Happy World Mental Health Day and Indigenous Peoples’ Day!
Today the Nobel Peace Prize has been Awarded and Monday is World Mental Health Day!
According to startling statistics, mental health needs more attention in the United States. How is your mental health today?
Coming Up for Air and Seeing our College Mental Health Crisis: A Movie Review
College mental health: on the decline for at least 8 years.
A Burnout Myth: Too Many Work Hours Cause Burnout
The 18 hours a day, 7 days a week doctor lifestyle is over. But it’s not the cause of the burnout epidemic…
The Freedom and Suppression of Jazz in Russia
Is jazz a good litmus test for Russia’s leadership?
Considering National and Personal Character in Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
It could be a long and cold winter for Russia…
More on King Charles III, Psychiatry, Religion, and Spirituality
Should religion and spirituality be tools in the psychiatric arsenal?
Recognizing the Equinox of Life: In Light There is Darkness and in Darkness There is Light
Only we have the power to permanently increase our lightness over dark.
The Goldilocks Model for Assessing the New Anxiety Screening Recommendations
How can we increase assessment of anxiety without increasing other problems? Where is the balance?
Queen Elizabeth II as a Model of a National Psychotherapist
While God can no longer “save the Queen,” we in psychiatry can save the best of what she represented and taught.
Medical Business as Usual is Increasingly Unhealthy
Are we reaching dangerous levels of burnout?
Taking the Trails of Traumatic Tears: The Indigenous in the National Mourning of the United Kingdom and the United States
Ignoring, forgetting, or denying the traumatic history of individuals or countries is not mentally healthy.
What King Charles III Said About Religion That Resonates with Psychiatry
Do no religious-based harm.
Time, Ageism, Wisdom, and the Queen
Ageism: alive and well, despite a dearth of leaders who are elderly.
An Oath of Lifelong Psychiatric Service
King Charles III took an oath of lifelong service, not unlike that of medicine.
9/11/01, Grandparents Day, Queen Elizabeth II, and the Double Rainbow of Conflict Resolution
Positivity and wisdom can come from even the worst of experiences.