
Ellen Stover, PhD


Translational Research: Pathway to Improved Practice?

Advances in basic behavior and neuroscience research have been stunning, but until quite recently, efforts to encourage the clinical application of new knowledge have not kept pace. To aid in applying new knowledge to important public health issues, the National Institutes of Health has placed emphasis on "translational research," which aims to provide a bridge between basic research and clinical care. Particularly promising areas of study are highlighted.

Ellen W. Freeman, PhD


Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and Psychiatric Comorbidity

Diagnostic Dilemmas-Effective Treatment Approaches

Elliott B. Martin Jr, MD


The Existential Fallout of COVID-19

During the pandemic, Albert Camus’ existential novels have become newly popular—and with good reason.

Elliott B. Martin, Jr, MD


Artists and Psychiatrists-or the “Art” of Psychiatry

Art theory from the 20th century onward-despite the latter day efforts at denial-was nearly indistinguishable from psychoanalytic theory, and it parallels the philosophical struggles and pains that continue to plague psychiatry.

Elna Yadin, PhD


Assessment and Diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

This article, based on a comprehensive review by Weathers and associates, provides a selective and brief summary of trauma and PTSD assessments in adults.

Elsa Ronningstam, PhD


Mini Quiz: Narcissistic Personality Disorder

What is the clinical approach to pathological narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder?

Elysa Marco, MD


You Can't Beat the Screens

Kids will find the screens. Health care providers should join them in order to supply the most helpful digital treatments.

Emanuela Offidani, PhD


“Switching” of Mood From Depression to Mania With Antidepressants

Mood switching is not uncommon and it is much more prevalent in depressed juveniles than in depressed adults, and there is a large apparent excess of antidepressant-associated switching over reported spontaneous diagnostic changes to bipolar disorder. Details here.

Emil Chiauzzi, PhD


PatientsLikeMe: Crowdsourced Patient Health Data as a Clinical Tool in Psychiatry

Patients want to know what to expect with a given treatment, how their experiences compare with those of others, or whether they are alone in coping with their conditions. Who best to answer these questions than others like them?

Emil F. Coccaro, MD


Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Here: a close up look at impulsive aggression.

Emilio J. Sanz, MD, PhD


Psychopharmacologic Therapy in Pregnancy: Effects on Newborns

There is a tendency to avoid psychiatric medications during pregnancy, but the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders in pregnant women means that women and their physicians must make impromptu decisions regarding the initiation or continuation of drug therapy.

Emily B. Winslow, PhD


Preventive Interventions for Children of Divorce

Studies have shown that children of divorced parents may suffer more mental health problems, particularly conduct disorders. What programs might be effective in helping these children deal with the stress of their parents' divorce? Are there effective programs to teach parents better coping skills?

Emily Gavett, MD


Manual of Inpatient Psychiatry

I would recommend it for medical students who have been thrust into the role of primary decision maker for their patients, and clinicians who would appreciate a pocket supervisor to help them make treatment decisions.

Emily Hirsch


Are We Overdiagnosing and Overtreating ADHD?

This article speaks to the care with which ADHD must be diagnosed and managed to reduce the significant negative impact of the disorder on the individual, family, and society.

Emily O'Day


Bereavement, Grief, and Depression: Clinical Update and Implications

An in-depth CME on DSM-5 criteria for persistent complex bereavement disorder and the clinical management of pathological reactions to the death of a loved one.

Emma Barkus, PhD


The Link Between Psychotic Disorders and Substance Use

Psychotic disorders are a group of syndromes characterized by positive symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorder; and negative symptoms, including mood symptoms, social withdrawal, and reduced motivation. Cognitive deficits also appear with psychotic disorders. Psychotic disorders rank 22nd in the World Health Organization's list of worldwide causes of disability. This ranking is adjusted for the relatively low lifetime prevalence rate for psychosis; the perceived burden of the disease on those affected with psychotic disorders, as well as their relatives and caregivers, is much higher.

Emma Robertson-Blackmore, PhD


Differential Diagnosis of Postpartum Psychosis

New mothers may present to the emergency department (ED) with symptoms ranging from mild anxiety to severe psychosis. Postpartum psychosis has abrupt onset and severe symptoms and usually occurs in the immediate postpartum period. Patients who have had a previous episode of postpartum psychosis or have first-degree relatives with postpartum psychosis or bipolar disorder are at higher risk.

Enrico Suardi, MD


Symposium on Psychology and National Security at the Italian Embassy

The Embassy of Italy in Washington, DC recently hosted the first of 2 workshops on “Leaders and Terrorists: Psychological Perspectives on National Security.”

Eran Chemerinski, MD


Monoaminergic Treatment of Schizophrenia

Although several clinical studies suggest that cognitive impairments in schizophrenia are associated with reduced stimulation of dopamine receptors in the prefrontal cortex, mounting evidence suggests that other monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems may also be involved. We provide an overview of neurotransmitters that hold promise as therapeutic interventions for the cognitive deficit in schizophrenia.

Eric Bui, MD, PhD


Bereavement, Grief, and Depression: Clinical Update and Implications

An in-depth CME on DSM-5 criteria for persistent complex bereavement disorder and the clinical management of pathological reactions to the death of a loved one.

Eric C. Arauz, MLER


Bipolar Disorder: Keys to Improving Compliance

Non-adherence to prescribed medication by patients with psychiatric disorders is one of the greatest challenges reported by clinicians.

Eric D. Caine, MD


Special Report Chair Discusses Suicide

In this podcast, Dr Caine discusses the many issues associated with suicide and touches on specific articles in this Special Report.

Eric D. Peselow, MD



Many of the advantages of the MAOIs are seen with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which have become the drugs of choice in the treatment of panic disorder.

Eric Finzi, MD, PhD


Botulinum Toxin for Depression? Emotional Proprioception

If larger trials confirm the strong antidepressant effects observed so far, botulinum toxin may become a standard therapeutic addition to the psychiatric armamentarium.

Eric Hollander, MD


Understanding the Differences Between Impulsivity and Compulsivity

A review of targeted treatment strategies for symptom domains when impulsivity and compulsivity become dysfunctional.

Eric J. Lenze, MD


Anthropology-Informed Business Principles for Brain Health

The key to addressing mental health may lie in business innovation theories.

Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD


New Insight Into the Neurobiology of Depression

Certain aspects of depression result from maladaptive stress-induced changes in reward circuits of the brain.

Eric L. Scott, PhD


Anxiety Disorders With Comorbid Substance Abuse

Anxiety disorders occur in 18% to 28% of the US general population during any 12-month period. In anxiety disorder, there is a 33% to 45% 12-month prevalence rate for a comorbid substance use disorder (SUD).

Eric London, MD


A Psychiatrist's Journey from Parent to Founder of Research Advocacy Organization

In 1988 I was working as a general adult psychiatrist with a specialty in addictions. One day, a newly referred patient came to my office accompanied by his mother. Although he was well groomed, he was distinctly "nerdy." When I inquired about his chief complaint, his mother quickly explained that, although he had graduated from community college, he was unable to secure a job interview due to his obsessing on the details of his resume.

Eric M Plakun, MD


Treatment-Resistant Mood Disorders: A Psychodynamic Approach

In this podcast, Dr Eric Plakun give an overview of key points and psychodynamic principles on treatment-resistent mood disorders, based on research and clinical experience.

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