
Deborah Simkin, MD


Neurofeedback: Significance for Psychiatry

This article provides an overview of the role of neurofeedback as an intervention to target symptoms associated with psychiatric disorders.

Debra Lerner, MS, PhD


Intervention Helps Workers With Depression

In the US, depression ranks fifth in the number of disability-adjusted life years lost due to illness and employment problems often persist, even if help is sought. Helping those who want and/or need to work is part of providing comprehensive, patient-centered care.

Dee Rapposelli


A Wake-Up Call: Substance Abuse Among Older Adults

Despite growing awareness and dangers of opioid diversion, misuse among the aging population has skyrocketed.

Deena J. Tampi, MSN, MBA-HCA, RN, DFAAGP


Eating Disorders Among Older Adults

In this CME article, learn how to evaluate older adults who present with significant appetite and weight changes for the presence of an eating disorder.

Deepak Cyril D'souza, MD


Gone to Pot: The Association Between Cannabis and Psychosis

Cannabis, or marijuana, has been consumed by humans for centuriesand remains one of the most widely and commonly used illicitsubstances. The authors review the evidence supporting and refutingthe association between cannabis exposure and psychotic disorders.

Deepak M. Kamat, MD, PhD


Update on Pediatric Pneumonia: Causes-Treatment Options

Here we summarize the evaluation of pediatric pneumonia and offer our management recommendations-based on a literature review and on clinical experience-in the outpatient setting.

Deidre Davis, MD


In the Eye of the Beholder

I have a neuromuscular disorder. This problem presented itself at birth, and I took much longer than other children to crawl, walk, and reach other physical developmental milestones. My sister is also affected, and although we have had extensive workups twice, the diagnosis is unclear. I had physical therapy up until my early teens, at which point I could do everything I needed to do in day-to-day life.

Deirdre A. Conroy, PhD


Psychosocial Treatments for Trauma-Based Nightmares

Two evidence-based psychosocial treatments are available for trauma-based nightmares. The authors provide a case illustration for each method.

Deirdre C. Neilen, PhD


Psychiatrist on the Road: Encounters in Healing and Healthcare

After 18 years as a senior clinical psychiatrist at a New England inner-city mental health clinic, Dr Lawrence Climo was understandably surprised and saddened when he was given 2 weeks’ notice that his services were no longer needed. Financial constraints meant the clinic was replacing him with a nurse. Although his wife told him it was an opportunity, he remembers thinking that health care reform made him feel that his professional skills were “almost irrelevant or at least unmarketable.”

Deirdre M. D’orazio, PhD


A Response to Dr Allen Frances on SVP/Paraphilias

In this guest blog, Dr Deirdre D'Orazio responds to a recent commentary by Dr Allen Frances on conducting evaluations of potential sexually violent predators.

Denis Shub, MD


Comorbidity: Psychiatric Comorbidity in Persons With Dementia

The assessment and treatment of psychiatric symptoms in persons with cognitive dysfunction are becoming increasingly important. Prevalence estimates of dementia in the United States range from 5% in those aged 71 to 79 years to 25% to 50% in those 90 or older.

Denise E. Wilfley, PhD


Closing the Research-Practice Gap in Eating Disorders

Eating disorders (EDs) are associated with high medical and psychiatric comorbidity, poor quality of life, and high mortality, and mortality from anorexia nervosa (AN) is the highest of all mental disorders. Fortunately, there are a number of evidence-based psychological treatment approaches for EDs.

Denise Rapposelli


Emotional Regulation Skills Can Make or Break MDD Relapse

Researchers accumulated information on self-reported emotion regulation in patients with current and remitted MDD. Then, they crunched the data.

Dennis C. Turk, PhD


Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Guide for the Perplexed

Fibromyalgia syndrome is a chronic condition that consists of a pervasive set of unexplained physical symptoms with widespread pain (involving at least 3 of 4 body quadrants and axials) of at least 3 months duration and point tenderness at 9 bilateral locations (Figure) as the cardinal features.1 Patients with FM report a set of symptoms, functional limitations, and psychological dysfunctions, including persistent fatigue (78.2%), sleep disturbance (75.6%), feelings of stiffness (76.2%), headaches (54.3%), depression and anxiety (44.9%), and irritable bowel disorders (35.7%).1 Patients also report cognitive impairment and general malaise, “fibro fog.” This pattern of symptoms has been reported under various names (such as tension myalgia, psychogenic rheumatism, and fibro­myositis) since the early 19th century.

Dennis H. Novack, MD


Progress and Promise: Research and Education in Psychosomatic Medicine

Practitioners understand the wholeness and unity of their patients. Instead of being considered isolated organ systems or enzyme cycles, patients are understood as coherent entities composed of coordinated and interrelated processes and systems. This fundamental understanding guidesinvestigative and clinical care approaches in psychosomatic medicine.

Derek Blevins, MD


Mini Quiz: Addiction on Campus

What are some of the most commonly abused drugs among college students?

Derick E. Vergne, MD


The Monoaminergic System and Its Putative Role in Alzheimer Disease

The SSRIs, although principally targeting serotonin transporter, are complex drugs that might work on other neurotransmitter and receptor systems. It is likely worthwhile to look at the effects of other monoamine and neuropeptide systems on the enzymatic machinery cleaving the amyloid precursor protein.

Devon Schuyler


Experts Debate Usefulness of Vision Restoration Therapy

Vision Restoration Therapy (VRT) is an FDA-cleared device for treatment of visual field defects caused by stroke or traumatic brain injury. The therapy works by stimulating the brain to form new connections, according to NovaVision, the device's manufacturer. But critics maintain that VRT is nothing more than a pricey way to promote saccadic eye movement.

Dexter Voisin, PhD


Trauma and Violence in Childhood: A U.S. Perspective

This article reviews the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study that examined the association between multiple childhood traumas and health outcomes in adults. These findings have significant public health implications for individuals exposed to childhood trauma, and the authors present a vision for a children's mental health care and wellness infrastructure in the United States derived from the Report of the Surgeon General's Conference on Children's Mental Health.

Diana C. Bennett, MS


Cyberbullying: Who Hurts, and Why

The research on electronic aggression among college students indicates that it is highly prevalent, with over 93% of college students reporting some negative effects due to electronic victimization.

Diana F. Florescu, MD


Frontolobular Cystic Mass and Hydrocephalus in Woman With Headache and Lethargy

A previously healthy 35-year-old woman was admitted to a New York City hospital after presenting to the emergency department (ED) with a 10- to 14-day history of generalized weakness, progressive frontal headache, and lethargy. She immigrated to Brooklyn, New York, from urban Haiti 9 years previously and had not returned to Haiti since. She denied any recent travel elsewhere and had no pets. An HIV antibody test, performed 4 months before ED presentation, was negative.

Diana Robinson, MD


Mini Quiz: Cognitive Enhancers

Which pharmacotherapeutic approach is most effective for cognitive enhancement? Test your knowledge with this quiz.

Diane D. Stadler, PhD, RD


The Influence of Diet on ADHD

There is good emerging evidence that aspects of diet can indeed affect ADHD. Clinical recommendations here.

Diego De Leo, MD, PhD


Culture and Suicide in Late Life

A cross-cultural comparison of suicide in old age, including a discussion of recent epidemiological trends in suicide rates. The authors also discuss the impact of social and cultural variables on the detection of depression and the formulation of suicide prevention strategies.

Dieter Naber, PhD


The Impact of Antipsychotics on Cognitive Functioning in Schizophrenia

Cognitive deficits, which play a crucial role in the pathogenesis and prognosis of schizophrenia, can lead to noncompliance and poor outcomes. New treatment options need to be tested that may offer surplus effects on neurocognition.

Dilip V. Jeste, MD


The Intersection of Mental Health and Successful Aging

One consequence of the "graying" of the world's population is that psychiatrists, along with all health care professionals, will increasingly be providing services to older adults. In the United States, the first set of people belonging to the baby boom generation turned 60 in 2005, and the number of people older than 60 will soonoutnumber children for the first time in recorded history.

Dimitre H. Dimitrov, MD


The Link Between Immune System Dysregulation and Schizophrenia

On the wide range of symptoms in schizophrenia, including alterations of the dopaminergic and/or glutamatergic systems, abnormal neurodevelopment, and the theory of immune system imbalance.

Dimitris N. Kiosses, PhD


Suicide in Older Adults: Advances and the Role of Technology in Treatment

Recent updates in suicide prevention interventions for older adults and how a novel tablet application may provide relief to individuals at high risk of suicide.

Dinko Podrug, MD


Through Hamlet to Narrative Medicine and Neuroscience: Literature as a Basic Science of Psychiatry

Psychiatrists have often turned to literature for theory building, clinical understanding and teaching. Hamlet is a common example, beginning with Freud. Most psychiatrists, like Freud, look at content (character and motivation) when using literature. However, the process (interaction between characters) can also teach us much about the psychiatrist-patient encounter.

Dionne Hart, MD


Cultural Issues in the Emergency Setting

The setting of a fast-paced emergency department (ED) or psychiatric emergency service makes it especially difficult to sensitively elicit and address an individual patient's needs and concerns. When considering the myriad differences in culture that come into play between a patient and a psychiatrist or other mental health care clinician, optimal diagnosis and treatment can be even more challenging, as the cases described here illustrate. The important influence of culture cannot be stressed enough. Taking the time to understand "where the patient is coming from" can prevent an already stressful, highly emotionally charged situation from becoming even more convoluted.

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