
Sarah Choi


QT Prolongation and Antidepressants

In the past decade, the effects of antidepressants on the QT interval and the subsequent risk of cardiac arrhythmias have become a notable concern. When the FDA released a drug safety communication about the risk of abnormal changes in the electrical activity of the heart with citalopram, providers learned to consider this risk as not only an adverse effect of a specific medication, but also the consequence of drug-drug interactions.

Mohit P. Chopra, MD


Mini Quiz: PTSD Assessment and Treatment in an Elderly Patient

A 79-year-old widow with a history of severe physical abuse during childhood and throughout her married life attributes her outbursts to old age. Take the quiz and learn more.

Naalla Schreiber, MD


What Psychiatrists Need to Know About the Determination of Dispositional Capacity

Some of the most challenging decisional capacity consultations are requests to determine if a patient has the capacity to participate in discharge planning.

John C. Landry


What Psychiatrists Need to Know About the Determination of Dispositional Capacity

Some of the most challenging decisional capacity consultations are requests to determine if a patient has the capacity to participate in discharge planning.

Mariana Schmajuk, MD


What Psychiatrists Need to Know About the Determination of Dispositional Capacity

Some of the most challenging decisional capacity consultations are requests to determine if a patient has the capacity to participate in discharge planning.

Jennifer M. Erickson, DO


What Psychiatrists Need to Know About the Determination of Dispositional Capacity

Some of the most challenging decisional capacity consultations are requests to determine if a patient has the capacity to participate in discharge planning.

Rebecca Weintraub Brendel, MD, JD


What Psychiatrists Need to Know About the Determination of Dispositional Capacity

Some of the most challenging decisional capacity consultations are requests to determine if a patient has the capacity to participate in discharge planning.

Josef Witt-Doerring, MBBS


The Therapeutic Cannabis User: 5 Key Issues

A drug once seen as a widespread danger to society is now experiencing renewed interest as a treatment for medical conditions, including a number of mental health conditions. This brief review explores 5 key issues clinicians can consider when encountering the therapeutic cannabis user.

Janine D. Flory, PhD


Is PTSD a Systemic Disorder?

In addition to psychosocial problems, there is a growing realization that PTSD may also lead to or exacerbate chronic medical health conditions.

Brunhild Kring, MD


Speaking the Language: Psychotherapy With Students From Mainland China

The cultural gap between clinicians and students from mainland China is a barrier inhibiting productive sessions.

Helene Keable, MD


College Students Under Stress

Emerging adults in the midst of a tremendous emotional growth spurt and a leap of neurocognitive maturation often need guidance articulating what bothers them.

Alexandra Ackerman, MD


College Students Under Stress

Emerging adults in the midst of a tremendous emotional growth spurt and a leap of neurocognitive maturation often need guidance articulating what bothers them.

J. Eric Vance, MD


Forgive Our Divisiveness

Why can’t humans get along? An expert explores the biological underpinnings of our dualistic thinking.

Arthur Robin Williams, MD, MBE


Pros and Cons of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

Although these medication-assisted treatments have been approved by the FDA and have strong empiric evidence for superior outcomes, it is important to know the good and the bad.

Talia Sierra, MPAS, PA-C


Psychogenic Purpura

Psychogenic purpura is a rare and poorly understood syndrome. However, early recognition and intervention can lead to remissions which may last years.

Heidi Brown, BCHS, PA-C


Psychogenic Purpura

Psychogenic purpura is a rare and poorly understood syndrome. However, early recognition and intervention can lead to remissions which may last years.

Kevin K. Johnson, MD


Special Issues in LGBTQ Geriatric Psychiatry

To understand the experiences and needs of the aging LGBTQ population, it is important to consider the culture, politics, and social norms that existed when these elders came of age. Clinicians can play a vital role by creating a safe and open environment that allows people to be themselves.

Carola Rong, MD


Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

The impetus to consider inflammation as potentially relevant to the pathoetiology of domain-based psychopathology (eg, anhedonia) and/or mental disorders, is provided by a confluence of factors discussed here.

Carmine M. Pariante, MD, PhD


Why Are Depressed Patients Inflamed? A New Path to Personalized Treatment in Psychiatry

The studies reviewed in this article provide a new model for clinical practice-one where the treatment of depressed patients is not governed by trial and error, but rather where patients can access new interventions sooner.

Marco A. Grados, MD, MPH


Refractory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Practical tips on how to recognize the presentations and subtypes of OCD as well as treatment strategies associated with this challenging neuropsychiatric disorder.

Priyadurga Kodi, MBBS


Refractory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Practical tips on how to recognize the presentations and subtypes of OCD as well as treatment strategies associated with this challenging neuropsychiatric disorder.

Jennifer Severe, MD


The Silent Suffering of Those on Temporary Protected Status: Unbeknownst to Many

Medical students, psychiatry residents, and practicing psychiatrists from different backgrounds gathered with one purpose: “To increase awareness around the mental health needs of the 437,000 foreign nationals from 10 countries on Temporary Protected Status."

Kirsy Japa, MD


The Silent Suffering of Those on Temporary Protected Status: Unbeknownst to Many

Medical students, psychiatry residents, and practicing psychiatrists from different backgrounds gathered with one purpose: “To increase awareness around the mental health needs of the 437,000 foreign nationals from 10 countries on Temporary Protected Status."

Conrad M. Swartz, PhD, MD


Who Diagnoses and Treats Epilepsy in Patients With Psychiatric Symptoms?

Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are not diagnosable if the patient has epilepsy that produces hallucinations or delusions. This article describes how several such patients presented in psychiatric practice.

David S. Mathai, MD


Revisiting the Hallucinogenic Potential of Ketamine

An exploration of findings from contemporary research that hint at the unexplored hallucinogenic potential of ketamine and considerations for future investigation.

Sonya Gabrielian, MD, MPH


Mini Quiz: Supported Housing for Vulnerable Patients

What factors are associated with loss of supported housing for chronically homeless patients with serious mental illnesss? Take the quiz and learn more.

Kevin M. Simon, MD


Mini Quiz: Poverty, Inequality, and Mental Illness

How can psychiatrists help patients address the negative effects of poverty on their mental health? Take the quiz and test your knowledge.

Michaela Beder, MD


Addressing Poverty and Mental Illness

A multi-level, prevention-oriented approach that addresses poverty.

Marc W. Manseau, MD, MPH


Addressing Poverty and Mental Illness

A multi-level, prevention-oriented approach that addresses poverty.

Irene Pastis, MD


Using Telehealth to Enhance Access to Evidence-Based Care

Findings suggest that telemental health is not only effective for diagnosis and assessment across many populations and disorders in many settings, but it appears to be comparable to face-to-face care.

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