
William T. Carpenter, Jr, MD


Psychotic Disorders in DSM-5: Clinical Implications of Revisions From DSM-IV

The authors discuss the clinical implications of the changes in the DSM-5 section on schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders.

William T. Carpenter, MD


Criticism vs Fact: A Response To A Warning Sign on the Road to DSM-V by Allen Frances, MD

Allen Frances, an old friend, writes critically about the DSM-V project. I will address some key issues where his criticisms do not relate to reality as experienced from within the process. I chair the Psychoses Work Group and am a member of the DSM-V Task Force.

William T. Regenold, MD


Sweet Sorrow: The Relationship Between Depression and Diabetes Mellitus

Multiple studies show that diabetes approximately doubles the risk of comorbid depression. Furthermore, major depressive disorder is a risk factor for the subsequent development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Treatments for depression in the setting of diabetes must be evaluated for their effects on blood glucose levels, propensity for weight gain, possible concomitant use for diabetic neuropathy and potential drug interactions.

William V. Bobo, MD, MPH


Mini Quiz: Long-Acting Injectables

When switching to this long-acting injectable antipsychotic, how long should an oral pre-switch antipsychotic be continued? Find out in this quiz.

William W. Dodson, MD


Real-World Office Management of ADHD in Adults

Office management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) differs in many important ways from ADHD management conducted in a research environment. In clinical trials, treatments and eligible patients are selected in advance by committees, patients are randomized to different management strategies, and both clinicians and pa tients are blinded to the treatments.

Willy Wilkinson, MPH


Working With Transgender Persons

Using a question-and-answer format, we present a brief overview of issues that arise when mental health professionals explore how to best serve this population.

Wilson Compton, MD


Lifetime Psychiatric Comorbidity of Illicit Drug Use Disorders

What is comorbidity? Psychiatric comorbidity refers to the occurrence of 2 or more mental or substance use disorders within a certain period. Research shows that comorbidity of substance use and other psychiatric disorders is common and often worsens the prognosis for each disorder.

Winfried Rief, PhD


Somatoform and Related Disorders: An Update

Potentially over-inclusive DSM-5 diagnostic categories for somatic disorders can result in a confusing overlap of criteria. These authors sort through the challenges of the differential diagnosis-and map out a well-structured treatment plan.

Winnie To, BS


Mini Quiz: Micronutrients and Depression

Micronutrient deficiencies can bring about a range of mental health complications. Take the quiz and learn more.

Yael Dvir, MD


An Autistic Child With Psychotic Symptoms

Autism and schizophrenia may present as 2 separate disorders that need to be differentiated, or treated as comorbid conditions. It is important to remember that some individuals may have both disorders, which has implications when designing appropriate biopsychosocial interventions.

Yanni Rho, MD, MPH


Rebels Without a Cause? Adolescents and Their Antiheroes

Adolescents reject their parents’ icons and seek out and empower their own. Antiheroes seem deliberately provocative, assailing almost every social convention of the adult generation, and parents often fear they are leading youth astray.

Yavar Moghimi, MD


The Role of Psychiatrists in HIV Prevention

Because over half of persons with HIV infection have a lifetime history of depression or bipolar disorder, psychiatrists are uniquely positioned to provide both preventive and therapeutic interventions to vulnerable patients.

Yeates Conwell, MD


Suicide in Older Adults: Management and Prevention

Beyond demographic characteristics, risk and protective factors for suicide in older adults have been much more clearly defined in recent years by a series of methodologically rigorous, case-controlled psychological autopsy studies.

Yedishtra Naidoo, MD


Bipolar Disorder: Got Antidepressants?

Unspecified bipolar disorder? Comorbid borderline personality disorder? Or, in the case presented here, is it time to break out the mixed specifier from DSM-5?

Yelizaveta Sher, MD


Key Stressors in Transplant Psychiatry

Here: A summary of indicators for stress and anxiety in patients undergoing transplantation, and why it is important for psychiatrists to be aware of these factors.

Yesne Alici, MD


Understanding and Treating Delirium

This CME article reviews the pathophysiology and epidemiology of delirium and provides strategies for assessment, prevention, and management of this syndrome.

Yevgeny Botanov, PhD


Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Is Effective Intervention

The latest research on DBT for treating psychiatric disorders, such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and depression.

Yitzchak M. Binik, PhD


Mini Quiz: OCD? Phobia? Or Something Else?

The inability or difficulty to experience vaginal penetration is most similar to which DSM-5 disorder? Find out in this quiz.

Yohei Doi, MD, PhD


Frontolobular Cystic Mass and Hydrocephalus in Woman With Headache and Lethargy

A previously healthy 35-year-old woman was admitted to a New York City hospital after presenting to the emergency department (ED) with a 10- to 14-day history of generalized weakness, progressive frontal headache, and lethargy. She immigrated to Brooklyn, New York, from urban Haiti 9 years previously and had not returned to Haiti since. She denied any recent travel elsewhere and had no pets. An HIV antibody test, performed 4 months before ED presentation, was negative.

Yu Dong, MD, PhD


7 Medical Illnesses That May Present as Anxiety

Beyond psychosocial implications of anxiety disorders, an array of physiological effects may ensue.

Yu. S. Savenko, MD


The State of Psychiatry in Russia

It may be difficult for our American and European colleagues to imagine the constraints under which Russian psychiatrists practice. In Russia, treatment of the psychiatric population is at the mercy of government and society.

Yujuan Choy, MD


Lessons Learned From Treating COVID-Related Anxiety

Strategies for educating patients on COVID-19 transmission and epidemiology, as well as dispelling myths

Yukwal Wong


Clinical Implications of Substance Use on Suicidality Among Youths

Both the American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry have identified substance abuse as a top risk factor for suicide in youths.

Yuval Neria, PhD


Introduction: Trauma and Its Psychiatric Consequences

The articles in this Special Report focus on the interplay between trauma and its consequences, including violent behaviors, substance use disorders, and stroke. Taken together, the articles may contribute to a better understanding of-and treatment development for-patients exposed to trauma.

Yvonne Bergmans, MSW


Assessing Suicide Risk in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder

Patients with borderline personality disorder are at a much higher risk for suicide attempts than patients with almost any other mental illness. Here, a case report and examples are presented to help clinicians assess, diagnose and treat patients with BPD who have attempted or are threatening suicide.

Zachary J. Pyne, MA


Treating Complex Trauma Survivors

This CME outlines distinguishing features of PTSD, complex trauma, and the dissociative subtype of PTSD (DPTSD), with an explanation of the distinctive neurobiological subtype of DPTSD.

Zachary N. Stowe, MD


Using Antidepressants During Pregnancy: An Update

Using Antidepressants During Pregnancy: An Update

Zafiris J. Daskalakis, MD, PhD


Treatment-Resistant OCD: Strategies and Novel Treatment Options

OCD is highly comorbid and warrants consideration in difficult to treat cases. Learn more here.

Zainab Samaan, MBChB, PhD, MRCPsych


What Is the Role of Vitamin D in Depression?

Vitamin D has been hailed as the “sunshine” vitamin with many therapeutic attributes. The authors explore the association between vitamin D deficiency and increased risk of depression.

Zimri S. Yaseen, MD


Film Review: The Last Interview of Thomas Szasz

A documentary film review that compels one to wonder if Szasz’s alleged suicide should be seen as a courageous adherence to the principles by which he lived or a symptom of a pathological avoidance of helplessness. Dr Szasz might reply that either way, it was his choice.

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