
Cheryl M. Corcoran, MD


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Schizophrenia

This article describes challenges for psychiatrists striving to ensure informed consent for, and for patients who may lack full appreciation of the risks and benefits of, neurostimulation.

Colleen Loo, MD


What Psychiatrists Need to Know About Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

Transcranial direct current stimulation is a battery-powered noninvasive device used to treat a range of neuropsychiatric disorders. Details here.

Darrin J. Lee, MD, PhD


Deep Brain Stimulation for Memory Deficits

Here: a review of the neurobiology and circuitry behind memory as well as current studies involving neuromodulation for memory disorders.

David Carreon, MD


Psychiatry and the Media: The Radio as a Psychoeducation Tool for the Public

Psyched! podcast hosts interview Carol A. Bernstein, MD, who makes the case for psychiatrists using their voice to help psychiatric patients and families.

Gozde Unal, MS


What Psychiatrists Need to Know About Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

Transcranial direct current stimulation is a battery-powered noninvasive device used to treat a range of neuropsychiatric disorders. Details here.

Kathleen M. Friel, PhD


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Schizophrenia

This article describes challenges for psychiatrists striving to ensure informed consent for, and for patients who may lack full appreciation of the risks and benefits of, neurostimulation.

Marom Bikson, PhD


What Psychiatrists Need to Know About Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

Transcranial direct current stimulation is a battery-powered noninvasive device used to treat a range of neuropsychiatric disorders. Details here.

Richard Kogan, MD


The Mind and Music of Beethoven

A psychiatrist speaks about the life of the composer whose career was derailed by deafness.

Lisa Dailey, JD


Treating the Sickest: Why Does the US Lag Behind?

How to decrease recidivism for individuals with serious mental illnesses who are released from jails or prisons or discharged from hospitals? Here are several effective mechanisms.

Whitney E. Black, MD


Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry: The Tangible and Immeasurable Benefits of Measurement-Based Care

The era of evidence-based best practices has arrived, and psychiatry needs to get on board.

Andrew W. Goddard, MD


Mini Quiz: Panic Disorder

Some patients with panic disorder have chronic, persistent symptoms. Take the quiz and learn more.

Ellen F. Finch


Borderline Personality Disorder: Treatment Resistance Reconsidered

While treatment of bipolar disorder challenging , the notion that it is treatment resistant is contradicted by longitudinal and treatment research that indicates high rates of remission over time, moderate rates of recovery, and significant response to structured treatments tailored to symptoms.

Erin Reilly, PhD


Treatment-Resistant Bulimia Nervosa: Clinical Implications and Future Directions

Dialectical behavior therapy may be particularly effective in mitigating biologically-driven vulnerabilities, and zonisamide and lamotrigine may play a role.

Ethan I. Glasserman


Borderline Personality Disorder: Treatment Resistance Reconsidered

While treatment of bipolar disorder challenging , the notion that it is treatment resistant is contradicted by longitudinal and treatment research that indicates high rates of remission over time, moderate rates of recovery, and significant response to structured treatments tailored to symptoms.

Jeanne Howe, MA


13 Contributing Factors to Treatment-Resistant Bipolar Disorder

Several non-biological factors often contribute significantly to treatment resistance.

Laura Berner, PhD


Treatment-Resistant Bulimia Nervosa: Clinical Implications and Future Directions

Dialectical behavior therapy may be particularly effective in mitigating biologically-driven vulnerabilities, and zonisamide and lamotrigine may play a role.

Leslie K. Anderson, PhD


Higher Levels of Care for Eating Disorders: A Practical Guide

Eating disorders (ED) are associated with significant comorbid psychopathology and the most extensive medical complications of any psychiatric disorder.

Norman Sussman, MD


The Finer Points of Treatment Resistance

When patients endure repeated trials of medications to no avail in the areas of PTSD, panic disorder, bulimia nervosa, and other illnesses, psychiatrists are there.

Walter H. Kaye


Treatment-Resistant Bulimia Nervosa: Clinical Implications and Future Directions

Dialectical behavior therapy may be particularly effective in mitigating biologically-driven vulnerabilities, and zonisamide and lamotrigine may play a role.

Kristen M. Ward, PharmD


Strategies and Solutions for Switching Antidepressant Medications

High treatment failure rates make it critical for prescribers to know how to safely and effectively switch antidepressants to ensure patient-treatment targets are met.

Kristin K. Soreide


Strategies and Solutions for Switching Antidepressant Medications

High treatment failure rates make it critical for prescribers to know how to safely and effectively switch antidepressants to ensure patient-treatment targets are met.

Ruth S. Shim, MD, MPH


Measuring Up on Mental Health?

Tracking and measuring the nation’s health is no easy undertaking. How are we doing?

Serge Campeau, PhD


Stress, Neural Plasticity, and Major Depression

A deep dive into the role of stress in the manifestation of depressive symptoms.

Anika Nagpal


Technological Ventures Offer New Hope for the Future of Psychiatry

Technology holds great promise to improve the future of mental health. Here: an overview of the types of techology-based solutions currently available.

Cynthia Chen


Technological Ventures Offer New Hope for the Future of Psychiatry

Technology holds great promise to improve the future of mental health. Here: an overview of the types of techology-based solutions currently available.

Desiree Shapiro, MD


At Least 13 Reasons Why Not

The media has tremendous power in delivering messages to the public about mental illness. This year, the media got it wrong.

Dror Ben-Zeev, PhD


Integrating Digital Therapeutics Into Care of Serious Mental Illness

How can digital therapeutics more readily be brought into the hands of patients with serious mental illnesses?

Gowri G. Aragam, MD


Sustaining Investment in Brain Health: The Dangers of Information Asymmetry

Information asymmetry occurs when one party has more or better information than the other party. Asymmetry and fraud will sour investor interest in the field.

Neha P. Chaudhary, MD


Technological Ventures Offer New Hope for the Future of Psychiatry

Technology holds great promise to improve the future of mental health. Here: an overview of the types of techology-based solutions currently available.

Nina Vasan, MD


Mini Quiz: Digital Phenotyping and Behavior

How well do you know your tech terms? Find out in this quiz.

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