Physician Assessments: Ageist or Necessary?
Should clinicians of a certain be assessed to ensure competence, or does that just foster stigma and stereotypes?
Pediatric ADHD Medication Gets FDA Green Light
This once-daily sprinkleable capsule may help patients aged 6 to 17 years with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
No Free Lunch
The more tools we have in our treatment toolbox, the greater the likelihood that we will ultimately find a treatment (or combination of treatments) to improve a given patient’s functioning and quality of life.
A History of the Human Brain From the Sea Sponge to CRISPR, How Our Brain Evolved
How did we become what we are and where on earth are we headed?
Two Sides to Every Coin
An introduction to the April issue.
FDA Warning: Bipolar Medication May Increase Risk for Arrhythmias
Is this treatment for bipolar disorder risking patients’ heart health?
Biden Administration Plan Tackles Drug Addiction Crisis
Government funding for the drug addiction crisis is on the way.
Expanding Psychiatry’s Reach
By considering different team members, it may be possible to address the broader needs of patients with mental illness.
Calling on the Arts to Thrive During a Pandemic
The pandemic has driven a psychiatrist into isolation, but his long history in the arts helps him reconnect.
Patients With Tardive Dyskinesia Feel Unheard, Social Media Listens
The first study to gather unsolicited patient responses via social media finds 3 negative themes.
Rx Dog Therapy: How Man’s Best Friend Helps Veterans With PTSD
Service animals can help save veterans’ lives.
Personal Reflections on Climate Change
A psychiatrist reads the news and responds with art.
The Pandemic Project: Our Readers Describe the Year of COVID-19
What meanings and values can be found from the past year, and what words will be found going forward?
Reconsidering Freud
A winner of the 2020 Sigourney Award reflects on a lifetime of reading, promoting, and revising Freud’s theories.
Cannabis 2021: What Clinicians Need to Know
The sharply decreasing perception of risk and easy accessibility of cannabis has many patients turning towards it, despite the potential negative effects.
The Age of Cannabis Has Arrived: Issues for Older Adults
Cannabis use has prompted symptoms such as dizziness, sleepiness, and fatigue in older patients. Are there any benevolent effects?
A Brainier Approach to ESG Investing
Devoting funds to better benefit brain health could improve society as a whole.
Clinical Management of Cannabis Complications
The rapidly changing field of cannabinoids and their clinical implications poses a particular challenge in psychiatry.
Exploring Psychiatry and the Human Condition: Joanna Moncrieff, MD
How can we ensure that our attributions of meaning are not simply instances of creative storytelling?
Insomnia Treatment Without Daytime Sleepiness
This investigational dual orexin receptor antagonist improved sleep overnight and daytime functioning.
FDA Says: No Approval, No Label, No Service
As patients flock to CBD as a “natural alternative” to medications, the FDA continues to crack down on false claims.
Hidden in Plain Sight
A case in Germany overturns old ideas about conversion disorders.
Navigating New Challenges in the Management of ADHD
Multidisciplinary insights on helping patients with ADHD during the COVID-19 pandemic, medication abuse, and other factors affecting care.
Tweet Gone Too Far? Goldwater Rule Violation
An ex-Yale psychiatrist who skirted the Goldwater Rule is suing the university over her termination.
How the World Wars Affected Modern Neuropsychopharmacology
The war experiences of physicians and scientists shaped their research agendas.
Studying Stress at a Molecular Level
If depression impairs the brain’s processes at a molecular level, would the same be true of stress more generally?
Poor DSM-5—So Misunderstood!
A DSM-5 diagnosis requires a biopsychosocial case formulation—not just a symptom checklist.
Difficulties Diagnosing Geriatric Bipolar Disorder
Misdiagnosis and late diagnosis may be preventing older patients with bipolar disorder from getting proper care.
Feeling Lucky? Convergence Mental Health as a Mechanism for Serendipitous Innovation
This mindset might be the key to mental health breakthroughs.
Swift Action: A Look at President Biden’s Health Care Executive Orders
What executive orders from President Biden will affect mental health care?