Child-parent psychotherapy has been shown to be an effective treatment in helping caregivers and their children when they have experienced significant life trauma, often domestic violence. More in this podcast.
Anxiety and depression are the most often cited problems related to a cancer diagnosis, because receiving this diagnosis is often very frightening. Feeling sad, worrying relentlessly, and being unable to experience pleasure often lead people to feel that they may be on the path to losing their minds. However, in the past few years a more subtle phenomenon has been identified related to cognitive deficits allegedly associated with chemotherapy treatment, sometimes called chemobrain.
What are the pros and cons of marijuana use? Dr Andrew Saxon gives his viewpoint on why he is against medical marijuana but in favor of legalization of recreational use of marijuana.
Recent reports have noted an alarming decrease in the practice of psychotherapy among psychiatrists.
In “Major Depression After Recent Loss Is Major Depression-Until Proved Otherwise” (Psychiatric Times, December 2008, page 12), Dr Pies highlights one of the more provocative questions encountered when we train in clinical psychiatry: “Suppose your new patient Mr Jones, tells you he is feeling ‘really down.’ He meets all DSM–IV symptomatic and duration criteria for a major depressive episode (MDE) after having lost his wife to cancer 2 weeks ago. Should you diagnose MDD?”
With aging, a multitude of medical conditions can occur and/or existing conditions can be exacerbated, contributing causally to or amplifying neuropsychiatric comorbidities.
Hollywood has had a long-standing love affair with psychiatry and its portrayals of electroconvulsive therapy reflect and influence public attitudes toward the treatment. One-third of medical students decreased their support for the treatment after being shown ECT scenes from movies, and the proportion of students who would dissuade a family member or friend from having ECT rose from less than 10% prior to viewing to almost 25% afterward. So what is the legacy of portrayals that have been so abhorrent, and are there any exceptions to the rule?
If you missed this session, check out the highlights here!
Identifying and Reducing Professional Liability When Treating Older Adults, by Jacqueline M. Melonas, RN, MS, JD and Charles D. Cash, JD, LLM, ARM
In this video, Dr Andrew Solomon talks about how psychiatrists and psychologists can help depressed or traumatized patients foster resilience, without trivializing their pain.
Knowledge of how different antidepressants are likely to affect parameters of sleep can provide an important basis for selecting an appropriate antidepressant drug among the roughly 2 dozen marketed options to meet the needs of depressed patients.
Treatment approaches to counter adverse metabolic effects associated with the atypicals.
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, physicians were thrust into unfamiliar roles, where they sometimes had to make life and death decisions. Here are a few of their stories.
A report on the first international conference on Daniel Paul Schreber: "No comparison can be drawn between the sublime suffering of 1 individual-a man who, even in his madness, remained a member of Germany’s elite-and the horrors that would be perpetrated in that institution in the years to come..."
This article reviews some of the most recent findings in genetics and pharmacogenetics of schizophrenia-especially those with clinical implications.
The vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT) is a membrane-embedded protein that transports monoamine neurotransmitter molecules into intraneuronal storage vesicles to allow subsequent release into the synapse.1,2 By accumulating both newly synthesized neurotransmitter molecules and freshly returned neurotransmitter molecules from the synapse, VMAT function plays a critical role in the signaling process between monoamine neurons. The VMAT exists in 2 distinct forms: VMAT1 and VMAT2.3
HIV/AIDS, peripheral neuropathy, sensory neuropathies, subjective peripheral neuropathy screen
Anita H. Clayton, MD, gives a preview of her upcoming poster presentation at the 2024 ASCP Annual Meeting.
Treatment resistance occurs in a variety of psychiatric disorders and presents an ongoing challenge as we attempt to optimize treatments for our patients.
Persons with childhood-onset schizophrenia appear to have the poorest outcome among those in whom schizophrenia is diagnosed.
Finding the right dosage of a psychotropic may be notoriously time consuming, but thought should be granted to the sexually dimorphic expression of CYP450 enzymes when prescribing medication.
The depth and duration of medical training in psychiatric residency is yet to be determined, but given the increasing emphasis on integrated care, the role of psychiatrists is changing. More in this video.
A report of initiatives that have raised awareness of and promoted data sharing and data transparency in order to advance science and improve public health and health care.
Extensive evidence supports the importance of the involvement of families in the mental health care of patients with schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses. Family involvement is endorsed by the President's New Freedom Commission and the American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines on schizophrenia.
This article reviews what is known and unknown about LGBT suicide risk, discusses risk and protective factors for LGBT adolescents and adults, and provides recommendations for assessing and treating LGBT patients.
Sleep disorders are very common and are often underrecognized and underreported in children. If left untreated, these disorders can cause serious developmental and physiologic problems.
A therapeutic alliance can serve to build a trusting relationship between clinician and patient and increase the patient’s feelings of agency and autonomy.
Powerfully addictive, methamphetamine has devastating effects on health and other aspects of life. What is the net result of chronic methamphetamine abuse? Here are 5 of the major indicators.
Creativity should not be seen as “optional” in psychiatry. Rather, it helps us to approach clinical problems in new ways.