Biomarkers Oversold In Medicine: Implications for Psychiatry
June 8th 2011John Ioannidis, MD, of Stanford University has published a paper with wide implications for medicine and also for psychiatry. He finds that many influential studies have made exaggerated claims purporting to find connections between biomarkers and medical illness.
Who Needs DSM-5? A Strong Warning Comes From Professional Counselors
June 8th 2011I just received a very important email from Dr Dayle Jones who chairs the DSM-5 Task Force of the American Counseling Association (ACA). The ACA has provided a much needed wake-up call for the American Psychiatric Association.
Australia's Reckless Experiment In Early Intervention
June 8th 2011A charismatic psychiatrist, Patrick McGorry has recently gained heroic status. First he was chosen to be Australia's Man Of The Year. Now, he has convinced the Australian government to spend more than $400 million over 5 years to fund his plan for a nationwide system of Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centres.
The Epidemic of Attention Deficit Disorder: Real or Fad?
May 20th 2011Attention Deficit Disorder is now two or three times more common than it was just twenty years ago. A recent study reported that a whopping 10% of kids in the general population would qualify for the diagnosis. There has also been an incredible explosion in the use of medication in treating it.
Psychiatry Should Stay Comfortable In Its Own Skin: No Good Comes From Overselling Our Science Base
May 14th 2011Psychiatry is a wonderful specialty. We have highly effective medication and psychotherapy tools. Forty years of accumulated clinical research have given us a pretty clear idea of optimal treatment guidelines. With an accurate diagnosis and an appropriate treatment, most of our patients benefit greatly and many recover completely.
DSM-5 Rejects Coercive Paraphilia: Once Again Confirming That Rape Is Not A Mental Disorder
May 12th 2011The proposal to include "coercive paraphilia" as an official diagnosis in the main body of DSM-5 has been rejected. This sends an important message to everyone involved in approving psychiatric commitment under Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) statutes.
Most Rapists Are Not Sadists: How To Tell The Difference and Why It Is So Important
May 2nd 2011Rape is always a heinous, ugly, violent, and cruel crime. But the violence and cruelty that are part of all rapes should not be confused with the specifically motivated violence and cruelty that distinguish sexual sadism...
The Personality Follies Keep Marching On
April 22nd 2011The personality proposals are certainly not the most dangerous part of DSM-5-but they do win the prize for being absolutely the silliest. They offer a riot of impossibly intricate detail with a level of complexity that could never be of any use in any real world setting.
A Surprise: I Support Some SVP Commitment
March 8th 2011In previous blogs and papers, I have done my level best to skewer the misuse of the misdiagnosis "Paraphilia NOS." I regard it as no more than a flimsy justification, concocted to allow the psychiatric incarceration of rapists who would otherwise have to be released from prison to the street.
Rape and Psychiatric Commitment
March 5th 2011I was asked three interesting questions by a psychologist with 15 years experience evaluating sexually violent predators. She has testified often--both for the prosecution and for the defense in the hearings that determine the legitimacy of involuntary psychiatric commitment under SVP statutes.
Mental Illness and Political Violence: Reckless Rhetoric, Weapons, and the Media
January 19th 2011The recent mass murders in Arizona are the latest in our country's epidemic of horrible, hate inspired crimes. The 24/7 media punditry and political spinning has been disappointingly off point in a way suggesting that once again we will learn nothing from our mistakes and that such tragedies will continue to recur with distressing frequency.
A Letter to the Board of Trustees of the APA
December 18th 2010We are delighted that you have appointed a DSM-5 Scientific Review Work Group and charged it with assessing the quality of evidence supporting the DSM 5 proposals.This is great news, probably the last hope to weed out proposals that could do great harm to the Association, our field, and to our patients.
The DSM-5 Field Trials (Part 2): Wrong Goals and Wrong Methods Make Them Irrelevant
November 25th 2010The ideal field test would study how the diagnostic manual will eventually perform under conditions most closely approximating its future everyday use. The goal is to avoid unpleasant surprises in translation from what has been written on paper to what is practiced in real life. No field test can ever approach the ideal.
DSM-5 Field Trials (Part 1)-Missed Deadlines Have Troubling Consequences
November 19th 2010Eventually, DSM-5 will be a rushed patch-work. The only hope for a usable DSM-5 is for the Trustees to exert their authority to correct an errant process. But they will act only if there is mounting outside pressure and widespread public concern.
Rape, Psychiatry, and Constitutional Rights-Hard Cases Make For Very Bad Law
September 1st 2010The most disturbing turbulence at the boundary between psychiatry and the law is the misuse of a makeshift psychiatric diagnosis to justify the involuntary, indefinite psychiatric commitment of rapists. This is a disguised form of preventive detention and an abuse of psychiatry.