Fighting the Wrong War on Drugs
August 30th 2012Seventy percent of antidepressants are prescribed by primary care doctors with little training in their proper use, under intense pressure from Big Pharma, drug salespeople, and misled patients, after rushed 7-minute appointments and subject to no systematic auditing. The cash-strapped FDA is beholden to industry for funding. And it gets worse.
Internet Addiction-The Next New Fad Diagnosis
August 15th 2012"Internet Addiction" may soon spread like wildfire. All the elements favoring fad generation are in place . . . the profusion of alarming books; the breathless articles in magazines and newspapers; extensive TV exposure; ubiquitous blogs; the springing up of unproven treatment programs; the availability of millions of potential patients; and an exuberant trumpeting by newly minted "thought leading" researchers and clinicians. So far, DSM-5 has provided the only restraint.
Personalized Biological Testing in Psychiatry: Inevitable Reality or Impossible Dream?
July 19th 2012Our current diagnostic system is based more on subjective clinical judgments and less biological psychiatry. There is not one way to develop symptoms of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder or autistim or OCD.
Spitzer Recants: Why Can’t the APA Admit Mistakes and Correct Them?
May 31st 2012Let’s compare Dr Robert Spitzer's apology to the gay community with the stonewalling that has characterized every step in the development of DSM-5. The American Psychiatric Association has a lot to apologize for-but instead maintains a defensive posture that prevents insight and self-correction.
Definitive Study Rejects the Diagnosis of “Psychosis Risk” and Finds No Treatment Benefit
April 17th 2012An excellent study has killed two birds with one stone. It is a clear caution against the DSM-5 proposal for a psychosis risk syndrome and it should temper enthusiasm for rushing ahead with "ultra high risk" prevention programs.
A Turning Point For DSM-5: Will the APA Trustees Finally Step to the Plate?
March 22nd 2012Up until now, the leadership of the American Psychiatric Association has stubbornly defended the indefensible DSM-5 proposal that would turn normal grief into clinical depression. APA has blithely ignored the contrary scientific evidence
DSM-5 and Diagnostic Inflation: Reply to the DSM-5 Task Force
January 24th 2012My biggest concern regarding DSM-5 is that it will dramatically increase the rates of mental disorder by cheapening the currency of psychiatric diagnosis . . .The whole purpose of field-testing is to identify and correct problems in the preliminary DSM suggestions before they become set in stone as official guides to diagnostic practice.
Two Fallacies Invalidate the DSM-5 Field Trials
January 10th 2012The designer of the DSM-5 Field Trials has just written a telling commentary in the American Journal of Psychiatry. She makes what I consider to be 2 basic errors that reveal the fundamental worthlessness of these Field Trials and their inability to provide any information that will be useful for DSM-5 decision making.
California DMH Instructs SVP Evaluators on Proper DSM-IV-TR Diagnosis
January 5th 2012Accurate diagnosis is absolutely crucial in SVP hearings because the potential outcome is so consequential-involuntary incarceration in a psychiatric hospital that may well last a lifetime. In no other clinical or forensic situation does so much ride on the presence or absence of a psychiatric diagnosis.
The User’s Revolt Against DSM-5: Will It Work?
November 10th 2011When it comes to DSM-5, experience has proven conclusively that the APA will not attend to the science, evaluate the risks, or listen to reason. A user’s revolt has become the last and only hope for derailing the worst of the DSM-5 suggestions.
APA Responds Lamely to the Petition to Reform DSM-5
November 8th 2011Last week I challenged the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to end its silence in the face of widespread criticism and finally to mount its belated public defense of DSM-5. These are the 5 questions that cry out for straight answers.
Why Psychiatrists Should Sign The Petition To Reform DSM-5
November 4th 2011Psychiatrists may be more reluctant than are other mental health clinicians to sign a petition questioning the safety and value of DSM-5. After all, it is the American Psychiatric Association that is sponsoring DSM-5 and there is a natural tendency to want to trust the wisdom of one’s own Association.