
The Tangled Roots of Racism and Climate Change

The Racism & Psychiatry collection highlights the ways communities of color have been uniquely impacted by climate disruption and what psychiatrists can do about it.

climate psychiatry, racism



COVID-19 shined light on the inequities caused by racism in the United States and has served as a wake-up call. Yet there are additional areas that are impacted by the insidious nature of racism.

Led by Robin Cooper, MD, the Racism & Psychiatry collection will highlight the ways communities of color have been uniquely impacted by climate disruption.

While the specific stories may be idiosyncratic, the shared interconnections cannot be lost. As the articles are published online, we will be adding the links to:

Introducing a New Series: Racism and Climate Change, by Robin Cooper, MD

Recovering Ancient Knowledge for the Good of the Earth, by Mary H. Roessel, MD

The Effects of Climate Change on Hispanic and Latinx Communities, by Hector A. Colon-Rivera MD, CMRO, and Giselle Plata, DO, MPH

Rising From the Ashes of Oppression, by Ulrick Vieux, DO, Eneida Miranda, DO, and S. Roger Maginley, MD

Global Problems Call for Global Solutions: Climate Change in Asian Communities, by Russell Lim, MD, and Barrington Hwang, MD

Next Steps: Solutions and Recommendations For Healing, by the Racism & Climate Change Authors

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