

Psychiatric Times

Vol 40, Issue 9

Keeping Up With the Times

Have you registered for the 2023 Annual Psychiatric Times World CME Conference?




We at Psychiatric Times are getting excited as our 2023 Annual Psychiatric Times World CME Conference, which runs from October 19 to 21, 2023, rapidly approaches. Each year, in addition to reviewing and providing updates on psychosis, depression, and substance use disorders, we add a changing menu of additional relevant topics. The annual conference replicates the longstanding mission of Psychiatric Times: to provide evidence-based, clinically relevant, and peer-reviewed information in brief presentations covering the wide-ranging specialty areas in the field of psychiatry, thereby supporting you as you provide care to your patients.

General medical journals first appeared at the end of the 18th century. At the rise of the 20th century, medicine began to specialize, thereby creating a need for journals to focus on specific areas. By 2014, approximately 28,000 peer-reviewed journals were published, contributing more than 1.8 million articles a year to medicine’s knowledge base.1 Needless to say, this number has steadily risen over the past decade. The question then becomes, how is it possible to keep up with all the new data, findings, and information in even 1 subspecialty in medicine?

Psychiatric Times is proud of our legacy in doing just that. Starting in 1985, Psychiatric Times has assembled a monthly print publication that serves as a concise resource for the busy clinician to keep up-to-date with the many diverse areas in our rapidly expanding field. As the internet evolved into a foundational resource of knowledge, Psychiatric Times has evolved with it, providing an open access website to serve as a reliable curator of all published issues and expanding content that includes additional articles, videos, webcasts, and continuing medical education (CME) material.

The annual CME conference was likewise established to provide clinicians with a concentrated live educational forum to efficiently learn from the experts about new information and to ensure they have updated clinical knowledge for the current standard of care. Our audiences over the years have consistently complimented the 20-minute limit for most presentations, which allows ample opportunity for live questions at the end of each hourly segment. Psychiatric Times has heard you, the busy clinician, and we are once again ready to answer your call.

Our 2023 Annual Psychiatric Times World CME Conference will be virtual with plenty of live interaction. This year features segments on antipsychotics, substance use disorders, insomnia, emergency psychiatry, autism, challenging differential diagnoses, integrated care, and dementia. Plus, there will be a special 1-hour segment covering updates on new and emerging therapies for the management of major depression.

We invite you to join us at this exciting conference. As always, registration is discounted for fellows and free for residents and students. To view the agenda and register, visit


1. Dai N, Xu D, Zhong X, Li L, Ling Q, Bu Z. Build infrastructure in publishing scientific journals to benefit medical scientists. Chin J Cancer Res. 2014;26(1):119-123.

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