

The Challenges of Accountable Care in Behavioral Health

Presenting a Q&A with Dr Rajesh Tampi and Deena Tampi on the issue of behavioral health in accountable care.

Wee present a Q&A with Dr Rajesh Tampi and Deena Tampi on the issue of behavioral health in accountable care. They are co-presenters in a workshop at the APA Annual Meeting titled “The Integration of Behavioral Health in Accountable Care,” which will cover the following:

1. Accountable Care-why, what, where, who, how?

2. Define quality and safety measures

3. Discuss the benefits and challenges accountable care

4. Describe the payment concepts in accountable care

5. Enumerate the importance of the integration journey

6. Highlight the core measures in mental health

Dr Rajesh Tampi is Associate Professor of Psychiatry (Tenure Track) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, in San Antonio, Texas, and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut. Ms Deena Tampi is Executive Director, Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford, Connecticut.**

Q: What will the workshop cover?

A: In this workshop, we will discuss various aspects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). We will also answer questions from participants and encourage dialogue among the participants and also with the presenters

.Q: What is the ACA?

A: In March 2010, President Obama signed into law the ACA, which seeks to make health insurance coverage more affordable for individuals and their families. When fully implemented, the law will provide access to coverage for an estimated 32 million Americans who are currently uninsured.The ACA includes a variety of services that should be available for individuals with mental health needs.

Q: What is an ACO?

A: A key provision of the ACA is the formation of ACOs, which facilitate care coordination across provider settings and link reimbursement to quality improvement and reductions in health care costs for an assigned population of Medicare patients. ACOs are focused on organizing care around patients and the use of continuous, anticipatory, team-based care that seeks to improve quality and outcomes.Mental health disorders are the leading causes of disability worldwide and are associated with increased medical care and employer costs along with increased premature mortality. A quarter of primary care patients suffer from a mental health disorder and over two-thirds of these individuals experience general medical conditions.In order for ACOs to achieve their triple aim of improved care for patients and populations at lower cost, mental health care must be integrated with primary care. Given this change in health care landscape and the pivotal role that mental health professional will be providing in the implementation and success of the ACA and the ACOs, it is important for mental health professionals to have an understanding of the ACA and the ACOs.

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