Psychiatric Times
These 5 processes provide a focus for patients with PTSD...
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“Mike” is a production packer aged 49 years who experienced extensive third-degree burns on his right hand following an injury on the job. He vividly remembers the machine coming down on his hand and the smell of burning flesh.
As defined in DSM-5-TR, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is characterized by 5 symptoms, the last 4 of which last longer than a month and cause considerable distress:
1. Exposure to trauma: experiencing, witnessing, or having repeated exposure to the details of actual or threatened death, injury, or sexual violence—even learning that the traumatic event happened to a close friend or family member
2. Intrusive symptoms: memories, flashbacks, dissociation, psychological and/or physical distress
3. Avoidance: trying not to think about the event; avoiding places that remind one of the event
4. Negative alterations in thought and mood: amnesia, negative beliefs, distorted cognitions, lack of interest, detachment, estrangement from others, and/or inability to experience positive emotions
5. Arousal: irritability, angry outbursts, reckless behavior, hypervigilance, exaggerated startle, difficulty concentrating, and/or insomnia
A core feature of PTSD is the inaccurate or unhelpful meaning that individuals ascribe to their symptoms. Core beliefs relating to being helpless, weak, or out of control become activated, leading to intense negative emotion. Mike begins to use alcohol to help him avoid the experience of that emotion. He is also hypervigilant for danger. He gives up cooking, which he previously enjoyed.
When Mike came to therapy, there were several places to begin working. A recent article by Wiedemann et al1 explored how targeting various points of intervention can relieve the symptoms of PTSD. The study tracked 343 patients for 10 weeks of therapy and demonstrated that changes in these beliefs, experiences, and behaviors (processes) predicted improvement in PTSD symptoms. Using latent change score models and weekly measures2-6 to determine causality across time, they demonstrated 5 processes (identified, assessed, and targeted by Clark and Ehlers7) that predicted improvement in PTSD. Here is how these beliefs and behaviors manifested for Mike.
Negative appraisals: Improvement in these negative beliefs predicted improvement in PTSD.
Disorganized recall: Improvement in memory predicted improvement in PTSD, but only in the first 5 sessions.
Flashback characteristics: Improvement in the frequency, intensity, and immediacy of these intrusions predicted improvement in PTSD throughout therapy.
Unhelpful responses: Improvement in unhelpful responses predicted improvement in PTSD throughout therapy.
Safety behaviors: Improvement in these behaviors predicted improvement in PTSD.
The study showed the causality was, for the most part, one-way: Improvement in PTSD symptoms did not precede improvements in negative appraisals, flashbacks, unhelpful responses, or safety behaviors. The exception was disorganized recall: Improvement in PTSD did precede further improvement in recall. Assessing and targeting patients’ unhelpful PTSD-related processes led to improvement in PTSD symptoms. Clinically, these processes indicate where interventions are needed:
Negative appraisals: Mike can assess the evidence that he is losing his mind and generate alternatives.
Disorganized recall: Mike can update his memory of the accident to fill in the gaps and correct the meaning.
Flashbacks: Mike can see the flashbacks not as a loss of control, but as a protective mechanism.
Unhelpful responses: Mike can look at the costs and benefits of avoidance vs “reclaiming” his life.
Safety behaviors: Mike can drop the safety behaviors that create an illusion of safety while perpetuating the fear.
PTSD is all about survival, safety, and protection. But the wall it builds becomes a prison, not protection. These 5 processes provide a focus for our patients to tear down this wall. They can enable patients to reclaim their lives, recognize their resilience, increase connection with others, and see the bigger picture. Cognitive behavioral therapy empowers them.
Dr Cotterell is a senior clinician at Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania.
1. Wiedemann M, Janecka M, Wild J, et al. Changes in cognitive processes and coping strategies precede changes in symptoms during cognitive therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder. Behav Res Ther. 2023;169:104407.
2. Foa EB, Ehlers A, Clark DM, et al. The Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (PTCI): development and validation. Psychol Assess. 1999;11(3):303-314.
3. Sachschal J, Woodward E, Wichelmann JM, et al. Differential effects of poor recall and memory disjointedness on trauma symptoms. Clin Psychol Sci. 2019;7(5):1032-1041.
4. Ehlers A. Cognitive therapy for PTSD. Oxcadat Resources. September 2, 2020. Accessed December 18, 2023.
5. Clohessy S, Ehlers A. PTSD symptoms, response to intrusive memories and coping in ambulance service workers. Br J Clin Psychol. 1999;38(3):251-265.
6. Self-study assisted cognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder: a guide for clinicians (version 3, 12.1.2021). Oxcadat Resources. December 1, 2021. Accessed December 18, 2023.
7. Ehlers A, Clark DM. A cognitive model of posttraumatic stress disorder. Behav Res Ther. 2000;38(4):319-345.