Rocko’s story was like theirs-tragedy, survival, despair, resilience, family loyalty, and hope.
The Therapeutic Potential of Self-Disclosure
Why do we, the experts in understanding the mind, have so much difficulty in addressing and improving our own mental health? Dr Moffic introduces our Portrait of a Psychiatrist series.
Intimate Portrait: Richard M. Berlin, MD
A brief psychological portrait of this psychiatrist/poet.
Intimate Portrait: Otto Kernberg, MD
Being a Therapist features intimate portraits of psychotherapists in their own work spaces. An excerpt of his interview with Otto Kernberg, MD, follows.
Intimate Portrait: Terry Smolar, PhD
Being a Therapist features intimate portraits of psychotherapists in their own work spaces. An excerpt of his interview with Terry Smolar, PhD, follows.
Intimate Portrait: Marsha D. Rosenberg, MD
Therapy is a matter of cleaning the dust off so that you can see what's underneath.
Intimate Portrait: Maria Bergmann, PhD
Editor's note: Being a Therapist features intimate portraits of psychotherapists in their own work spaces.