November 7th 2024
How can psychiatric clinicians help their patients (and themselves) identify and navigate the aftermath of the election?
The Doctor/Patient Relationship Comes First, Last, and Always
October 14th 2013Psychiatrists have patients who need help and we have the tools to help them. Some of these tools are technical and specific (meds; CBT); but even these work best only in the context of a rich therapeutic relationship that is based on all that makes us human.
Science, Psychiatry, and Family Practice: Positivism vs. Pluralism
October 14th 2013The physician’s knowledge is almost always fragmentary and incomplete--and often, “we see through a glass, darkly.” But we must not allow these limitations to deter us from diagnosing and treating our patients to the best of our ability.
Why DSM-III, IV, and 5 are Unscientific
October 14th 2013If science is defined as some kind of systematic study of observed experience applied to hypotheses or theories, and then confirmation or refutation of those hypotheses or theories, followed by new hypotheses or theories that are further tested and refined by new observations – if this is the core of any scientific inquiry, I think that no objective observer can attribute the history of DSM-III, IV, and 5 to anything that approximates this process.
We Are All at Least a Little Lost and Off-Putting: On Transformation
September 25th 2013We avoid a basic aspect of human existence-namely, we are all a little lost and not knowing, and we had better accept this. In reminding our patients that the worst fate in life is not to suffer-but to suffer alone-we also remind ourselves.
A Eulogy for Psychiatry's Abraham: A Model of Ethics, Forensics, Advocacy, and Humanitarianism
June 7th 2013At the recent annual APA meeting, Dr Abraham Halpern was posthumously honored for the second annual Humanitarian Award by the American Association for Social Psychiatry. He was honored for his contributions to ethics, forensics, and advocacy of social issues.
Journey of the Traumatized Hero: Kerouac’s On the Road and Gandhi’s Railroad Ride
April 30th 2013The art of living is the ability to use life’s inevitable traumas in some constructive fashion. This occurs on an odyssey that the resilient take that could be termed “the Journey of the Traumatized Hero.”
The Obama Plan-Spending Mental Health Money in All the Wrong Places
April 12th 2013Money should not be wasted on futile preventive programs to detect mental health problems that don't yet exist. Instead, resources should be invested where there is desperate need-to properly treat and decently house psychiatric patients who are now shamefully neglected.
Diagnosis and its Discontents: The DSM Debate Continues
March 29th 2013When critics of psychiatric diagnosis insist that terms like “schizophrenia” or “bipolar disorder” are inherently stigmatizing, they are unwittingly perpetuating the very prejudice they wish to end. It is time to shine a bright light on this self-fulfilling prophecy.
Prison or Treatment for the Mentally Ill
March 8th 2013After each violent tragedy, the politicians hypocritically mourn and harrumph, but wind up buckling under pressure from the NRA, fiscal constraints, and the prison and gun lobbies. Repeated dramatic events can shake the complacency and cowardice of a stalemated Congress and state legislatures.