
James D. Lock, MD, PhD


Family Therapy for Adolescents With Anorexia Nervosa: A Brief Review of Family-Based Treatment

Anorexia nervosa is often complicated by devastating medical problems and may result in death. Although studies suggest a multifactorial cause for the disorder, treatment trials have yet to provide clinical guidance about how best to approach anorexia nervosa.

James Doulgeris


Managing Patient Expectations: Better Coordinated Care

Making cost, clinical, and service compatibility matches with referral partners pays off in five key ways.

James E. Dillon, MD


ADHD and Sleep Disorders in Children

Sleep changes associated with psychotropic drugs are common enough to justify routinely obtaining a baseline sleep diary before beginning treatment, even when the initial screening for sleep disorders indicates that no further investigation is needed.

James E. Sabin, MD


The Importance of Talking About Suicide

Learning to talk openly with patients about their suicidal ruminations poses more of an emotional than intellectual challenge.

James F. Hooper, MD


Does the Insanity Defense Have a Legitimate Role?

While the public perceives that many criminals escape punishment by pleading insanity, the truth is that very few people are ever found not guilty by reason of insanity. Society has to decide whether they want to lock up everyone who does any bad thing or excuse the behavior of people who are not capable of controlling their own behavior.

James F. Paulson, PhD


Focusing on Depression in Expectant and New Fathers

Although a large body of research has documented the risk factors for and negative effects of depression in mothers, little is known about depression in expectant or new fathers.

James G. Barbee, MD


Treatment-Resistant Depression

The chances for full recovery from major depressive disorder diminish the longer a patient remains depressed-a fact that lends a sense of urgency for appropriate therapy.

James H. Carter, MD


Racism: Psychiatry's Unsolved Dilemma

What has happened to our nation since the 1960s and 1970s? The quest for racial equality appears to be rapidly dissipating. Blatant pre-civil rights racism has been replaced by a more virulent, yet camouflaged, form of racial bigotry.

James H. Scully Jr, MD


Setting the Record Straight: A Response to Frances Commentary on DSM-V

The commentary “A Warning Sign on the Road to DSM-5: Beware of its Unintended Consequences” by Allen Frances, M.D., submitted to Psychiatric Times contains factual errors and assumptions about the development of DSM-V that cannot go unchallenged. Frances now joins a group of individuals, many involved in development of previous editions of DSM, including Dr. Robert Spitzer, who repeat the same accusations about DSM-V with disregard for the facts.

James Hambrick, PhD


Social Anxiety in Adolescents

Although social anxiety can be a challenge at any point across the lifespan, it can present a unique set of challenges during the teenage years. More in this podcast.

James Ignelzi, MSW


Adaptation and Implementation of the Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment Model Into a Psychiatric Inpatient Facility: A 12-Year Perspective

As early as the 1970s, researchers and practitioners became increasingly aware of the necessity for services that would address the varied needs and treatment implications for consumers with the co-occurring disorders of substance abuse and mental illness. High percentages of consumers in substance abuse treatment centers were identified with mental illness disorders, and consumers admitted to psychiatric facilities often were identified as having additional substance use disorders.

James J. Amos, MD


Psychiatrists Can Help Prevent Delirium

I teach doctors and nurses how to assess, treat, and prevent delirium-an acute confusional disorder caused by multiple medical problems that mimics mental illness-but is actually a medical emergency.

James L. Griffith, MD


6 Psychotherapy Questions for Medically Ill Patients

A brief psychosocial tool that offers compassionate, tailored care using existential neuroscience, a new perspective for conducting bedside psychotherapy.

James L. Knoll IV, MD


Trauma and Transition Trajectories: The Risk of Caenisian Reversion

How can you best address and support transgender patients, as well as prevent negative outcomes?

James L. Levenson, MD


Psychopharmacology for Medically Ill Patients

The prescription of psychotropic medications for patients with complex comorbid medical and psychiatric conditions is a cornerstone of psychosomatic medicine (PM) practice.

James Lake, MD


COVID-19 and Mental Health: Global Consequences and CAM Approaches

In this CME article, explore the mental health consequences associated with the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the potential role for complementary and alternative approaches.

James Lock, MD, PhD


Patient Resistance in Eating Disorders

Why do patients with eating disorders resist treatment? How can the clinician address resistance?

James M. Ellison, MD, MPH


Concurrent Treatment With SRIs and Anticoagulants: Minimizing the Hemorrhagic Hazard

An important adverse effect of SRIs: their association with increased bleeding.

James M. Greenblatt, MD


Mini Quiz: Micronutrients and Depression

Micronutrient deficiencies can bring about a range of mental health complications. Take the quiz and learn more.

James Mcpartland, PhD


Autism Spectrum Disorders and Psychiatry: Update on Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations

What are the most effective assessment practices for ASD during the developmental stages of early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, and adulthood?

James P. Gustafson, MD


Reading the Ability of a Patient to Change His or Her Life

Reading the Ability of a Patient to Change His or Her Life

James P. Mccullough Jr, PhD


The Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy

I have been invited to write a clinical article on psychotherapeutic interventions for chronic depression.

James Phelps, MD


Antidepressant Risk/Benefit: Fish Oil Versus Placebo

Could fish oil replace antidepressants as a first-line pill for depression?

James Phillips, MD


PTSD in DSM-5: Understanding the Changes

Despite the efforts of a dedicated Work Group, DSM-5 has not significantly changed the problems with PTSD that beset DSM-IV.

James R. Alleman


Providing Psychotherapy Over the Internet

Although the prospect of online mental health care raises obvious questions, it also offers an opportunity to make cost effective services available to many who may not otherwise have access. By understanding issues such as confidentiality, emergencies and lack of face-to-face contact, psychiatrists can determine if this area of treatment is right for them.

James R. Miller, MD


Multiple Sclerosis: MRI in Diagnosis, Management, and Monitoring

MRI has provided important insights into the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis (MS).1 However, conventional MRI scans furnish only gross estimates of the nature and extent of tissue damage associated with MS,2 and the data correlate poorly with measures of concurrent disability in patients.

James R. Rundell, MD


Psychosomatic Medicine: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Medical-psychiatric comorbidity predicts poorer outcomes and increased health care utilization and cost. The collection of articles in this Special Edition is clinically informative and an illustrative set of examples of the unique practice of psychosomatic medicine in different medical-surgical settings.

James Raia, PhD


Use of a Nasal Naloxone-Containing Kit in the Transition From Regional Psychiatric Hospital to Community Care: A 1-Year Follow-up Study

Details here about a protocol for opioid abusers and the mentally ill that helped avoid deaths from drug overdose after psychiatric hospitalization.

James S. Brown, Jr, MD, MPH, MS


Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis: Diagnostic Issues for Psychiatrists

This articles focuses on the psychiatric and neurological implications of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.

James S. Goodman, MD


It’s Still Possible-Even in a Managed Care World

It is still possible for a psychiatrist to have a successful and very gratifying practice that provides psychotherapy (along with medication to those who need both)-even “in a managed care environment.”

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