
Lucy Lan, MD, MBA


Perspectives on Global Women’s Mental Health

This diverse group of women came together to explore the challenges in treating mental illness in patients who identify as female.

Artem Trotsyuk, MS


Chatbots for Child Mental Health Care: Helpful, but Limited

An estimated 7.7 million children have at least 1 mental health disorder. How can chatbots help?

Michelle F. Sloan, MD


Treatment-Resistant OCD: Strategies and Novel Treatment Options

OCD is highly comorbid and warrants consideration in difficult to treat cases. Learn more here.

Jonathan E. Hickman MSN, RN, PMHNP-BC


A Case of Clozapine and Cancer

What does cancer treatment mean for psychiatric treatment with clozapine?

Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD


Mind-Body Resilience for Women: A Focus on Depression

Here’s why we should be paying special attention to women's depression treatment.

Caleb Rashidian, DO


Bella, Horrida Bella

“In the realm of psychiatry, the therapeutic value of poetry lies in its ability to transcend the limitations of prose, offering a space for the unsayable and the ineffable.”

Michelle Raji, MD


Unmasking the Hidden Dangers: Office Duster Abuse as an Example of Inhalant Use Disorder

Inhalant use disorder is characterized by the intentional inhalation of volatile substances for their psychoactive effects. Learn more about how to help manage this disorder.

Stephen Brannan, MD


Promising Publication: The Novel Schizophrenia Treatment Gaining Traction

Data published in The New England Journal of Medicine shows promise for a novel schizophrenia treatment.

Benoit H. Mulsant, MD, MS


COVID-19, Cognition, and Dementias: What Role Has the Pandemic Played?

How does COVID-19 contribute to cognitive impairment in older adults and future cases of dementia?

Deborah J. Jones, PhD


Issues in Regulating DTx

We need policies that make digital therapeutics accessible and acceptable to a broad patient audience. What barriers are there to reaching that goal?

Sean Pustilnik, MD


Incorporating Well-Being Into Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

A well-being centered approach expands assessment and treatment for the child’s strengths and opportunities for positive experiences with the family.

Natasha L. Poulopoulos, PhD


The Noxious Psychological Effects of Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislative Bills Sweeping Across the US

The Florida “Don’t Say Gay” bill will have a devastating effect on LGBTQ+ youth.

Wayne Drevets, MD


Seltorexant, Major Depressive Disorder, and Insomnia: Thoughts on the New Data

Andrew Krystal, MD, and Wayne Drevets, MD, share their thoughts on the recent seltorexant data presented at the 2024 ASCP Annual Meeting.

Jasna Hocevar-Trnka, MD, MPH


RE104: A Novel, Fast-Acting Psychedelic for Postpartum Depression

Experts share the results from the first-in-human phase 1 study of this treatment, plus a preview of its upcoming phase 2 trial.

Beatrix Taylor, BSc, MSc


RE104: A Novel, Fast-Acting Psychedelic for Postpartum Depression

Experts share the results from the first-in-human phase 1 study of this treatment, plus a preview of its upcoming phase 2 trial.

Gil Angela Dela Cruz, MSc


SUDs in Women and the Importance of Tailored Treatment Approaches

What are the most effective approaches to SUD treatment in this unique patient population?

Alex Mendelsohn, PhD


Securing the Future of Lithium Research

How can we enhance our lithium research?

Lori Rubenstein


Let’s Build Brains Better! Brain Science-Inspired Policies for the Future

In order to face the rapidly changing, increasingly complex, and globally connected world, we need to focus on the importance of early brain and child development.

Barbara Burton, MD


Psychopathy: Insights for General Practice

While incarceration is the definitive “treatment” for some, psychopathy exists on a spectrum like any other mental disorder; more recent research suggests the condition is capable of responding to treatment.

Andreas Maercker, MD, PhD


Resiliency and Posttraumatic Growth: Cultural Implications for Psychiatrists

Acknowledging a patient's ability to grow and recover may help them feel more understood despite ongoing suffering.

Yaakov S. Green, MD, MBA


Adding Insult to Narcissistic Injury: Comorbidity of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder

Diagnosing this intricate comorbidity demands a nuanced approach. Here's what you need to know.

Lior Hilsenrath, MD


Zuranolone for the Treatment of Adults With Major Depressive Disorder

This randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 3 clinical trial showed that a 14-day treatment course of oral zuranolone 50 mg/day in MDD led to significantly greater improvements in depressive symptoms when compared with placebo.

Rahn K. Bailey, MD


SPIRIT (Social Psychiatry Interested in Recovery from International Trauma) Voices Some Current Concerns

All these events that occurred over the weekend bear social psychiatric weight.

Kirk Nylen, PhD


Brain Capital: An Emerging Investment Opportunity

Brain Capital: a fresh approach to technologies and investing.

PER® Editorial Staff


Opportunities in Managing Treatment-Resistant Depression and Tardive Dyskinesia

This CME describes current strategies and recent advances in treatment.

Stephanie Sheps


Physician Liability During COVID-19: What You Need to Know To Protect Your Practice

Does the typical malpractice insurance policy cover COVID-related claims? That question and more answered.

Suporn Sukpraprut-Braaten, PhD


Exploring Diagnostic Strategies in the Assessment of Mixed Affective States

In this CME article, examine how current DSM nosology defines the proper method of assessing a mixed-episode patient and which diagnostic labels to give them based on their presenting symptomatology.

Maggie O'Haire, PhD


Service Dogs for Veterans With PTSD

These service animals are improving veteran lives...

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