
Lisa Faille, PhD


Special Risk Management Issues in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Numerous studies have documented the increasing prevalence of mental health and substance abuse issues in youths nationwide. As many as 1 in 5 children and adolescents in the United States have a behavioral or emotional disorder.

Lisa Gualtieri, PhD, ScM


Wearable Devices for Mental Health: Knowns and Unknowns

Can a wearable device improve mental health outcomes?

Lisa J. Cohen, PhD


Psychopathology and Personality Traits of Pedophiles

Because of recent scandals, pedophilia is one of the few psychiatric disorders widely known to the general public.

Lisa J. Merlo, PhD, MPE


Psychiatric Conditions Affecting Physicians With Disruptive Behavior

This study highlights the need to consider a holistic approach when discussing the problem of disruptive behavior in health care settings.

Lisa Litt, PhD


Psychiatry in the New Millennium

As psychiatry is swept along by the evolutionary winds of change, will you be poised and trained for success? This question was posed to psychiatrists by Joel Yager, M.D., at the recent annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, at which he received the Seymour D. Vestermark Award.

Lisa Pan, MD


Neural Circuitry of Suicidality

Structural neuroimaging, functional neuroimaging, and psychometabolomics in the identification of markers for suicidal behavior are discussed in this CME.

Lisa R. Fortuna, MD, MPH


Clinical Issues and Challenges in Treating Undocumented Immigrants

Despite the need for mental health support, undocumented immigrants underutilize mental health services. Many endure traumatic experiences while emigrating that put them at psychological risk and once in the US, undocumented immigrants face multiple psychosocial stressors.

Lise Van Susteren, MD


Psychiatric Abandonment: Pitfalls and Prevention

What is abandonment? Who is responsible? Where is the line drawn between no liability to treat and abandonment? Read how psychiatrists can protect themselves from the legal ramifications of abandonment.

Liza H. Gold, MD


Gun Violence and Medical Professional Organizations: Political Business as Usual?

In November 2018, the National Rifle Association (NRA) taunted physicians by tweeting, “Someone should tell self-important anti-gun doctors to stay in their lane.” In response, physicians, including psychiatrists, insisted that firearm death, suicide, injury, and trauma are indeed our lane.

Lloyd Benjamin, MD


Tell Me Something

He wasn’t the first person I met days before I was to start my psychiatric residency, but as I walked about in my new city, he caught my attention much more than most. As psychiatrists, we typically assume that we will hear the inside stories, even if in bits and pieces, that will help us better understand and help patients. But perhaps we are too expectant . . .

Lloyd I. Sederer, MD


Learning To Do With (Far) Less: What it Takes to Become a Community Psychiatrist

One doctor shares his story of becoming a community psychiatrist.

Lois W. Choi-kain, MD


Mini Quiz: Borderline Personality Disorder

Do personality disorders get a bad rap? Take the quiz and learn more.

Lois Wingerson


Gender Differences Should Be Considered in Treatment of Addiction

The molecular events that accompany drug abuse and addiction are different for women than for men, according to new studies presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). As yet, little if any of this knowledge has made its way into gender-based differences in pharmacological and behavioral treatments for addiction. But according to some of the speakers, it could and it should.

Lorenzo Rossaro, MD


Depression as Co-Pilot: Clinical Implications of Hepatitis C and Interferon/Ribavirin Treatment

Comorbid substance use disorders may complicate treatment for both the hepatologist and psychiatrist. Comprehensive assessment of psychiatric illness and psychopharmacological management may be critical.

Lori L. Altshuler, MD


Postpartum Depression: Risk Factors and Treatment Options

The postpartum period represents a time of increased vulnerability for women, though postpartum disorders are often under-recognized and undertreated.

Lorie A. Ritschel, PhD


Biological Consequences and Transgenerational Impact of Violence and Abuse

Every year, more than 1 million children are exposed to sexual or physical abuse or neglect in the US. The research summarized here clearly demonstrates that exposure to stress before adulthood can result in persistent effects on both mental and physical health.

Lorna Wing, MD


Catatonia in Autism or the Blind Men and the Elephant

Current treatments for autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) are useful in some cases, but have little enduring impact. This had lead to many parents seeking nonconventional treatments that often border on quackery.

Lorraine S. Roth, MD


Recognizing and Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Clinical Psychopharmacology

This article examines the risks involved in prescribing psychotropic medication and offers suggestions for managing those risks to ensure the best possibility for a favorable outcome.

Louis A. Trevisan, MD


Update on Geriatric Depression and Anxiety

Many older adults experience loneliness, profound psychosocial changes, and loss. Screening, recognition, and treatment of mood disorders in late life significantly decrease morbidity associated with many problems encountered by the elderly.

Louis J. Mini, MD


Merging Administrative and Academic Careers in Psychiatry

In the current climate of psychiatric medicine, changes that greatly impact a psychiatrist's time, income potential and career enjoyment are constantly occurring. Is a career in psychiatric administration and academics a rewarding combination?

Louisa Degenhardt, PhD


Illicit Drug Dependence Across the Globe: Results From the Global Burden of Disease 2010 Study

How prevalent is dependence on amphetamines, cocaine, opioids, and other illicit drugs across the world? What is the associated disease burden? Insights here.

Louisa Steiger, MD


Shadows on a Wall: Phenomenology in an Acute Care Setting

We present the case of a patient for whom different attending providers had markedly different interpretations. As the case unfolds, we invite you to reflect on your diagnostic understanding of each presentation.

Luc Nicole, MD, MSc


A New Adaptation of Integrated Psychological Treatment for Patients With Schizophrenia

Integrated psychological treatment (IPT)--which was developed by a research group in Bern, Switzerland, for patients with schizophrenia--is a distinctive and practical approach to rehabilitation.

Lucas A. Salg, MD


Why Aren’t We All in Therapy?

The looming specter of emotional and physical exhaustion in residency often takes hold well into a physician's career. So what are we doing about it?

Lucia Zhang, HBSc Candidate


Are Psychiatric Disorders Inflammatory-Based Conditions?

A plethora of studies support the hypothesis that inflammation plays a role in the pathophysiology of major psychiatric disorders.

Lucie Nadeau, MD


Taking Culture Into Account When Assessing a Young Patient

This list serves as a guide when treating persons of diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Lucius Ripley, MD


Algorithm Project Takes Shape in Texas

We believe that TMAP [The Texas Medication Algorithm Project] is the first large-scale use of medication algorithms, Rush said, "certainly in a community mental health setting. A project like this may help to lay the groundwork for improved public mental health treatment here and in other states as well." Medication algorithms, according to the project directors, consist of "a series of treatment steps, each of which is defined in turn by the clinical response of the patient to the preceding step."

Luke Clark, PhD


Mini Quiz: Gambling Disorder

If money is not the lure for problem gamblers, what is?

Lynn Yen, MD


An Update on Street and Club Drugs: What Clinicians Need to Know

A review of the pharmacological and symptomatic effects of various classes of designer drugs, including stimulants, hallucinogens, and sedatives.

Lynne Gaby, MD


6 Psychotherapy Questions for Medically Ill Patients

A brief psychosocial tool that offers compassionate, tailored care using existential neuroscience, a new perspective for conducting bedside psychotherapy.

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