Dr Hyler is professor emeritus of psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center.
Transforming DSM-6 Development: A Call for Integrated Approaches and Cautious Innovation
Can AI innovations assist in the process of creating the next DSM? One psychiatrist explains his thoughts.
Revolutionizing Pharma: The Power of AI and Chatbots in Clinical Trials and Beyond
Learn more about how AI can transform mental health care.
Technology at the Forefront: Shaping the Future of Psychiatry Certification
How can artificial intelligence enhance psychiatry certification, and how do we implement it?
Making Sense of Chatbots
How does artificial intelligence have the potential to shape the future of psychiatry?
Reimagining ABPN Board Certification: A Fusion of Tradition and Technology
“This discussion is as much about preserving the core values of psychiatric practice as it is about embracing innovation.”
Comparing the Clinical Utility of 4 Major Chatbots
How do the 4 major chatbots compare for psychiatrists and mental health professionals?
Join the Conversation: Introducing “Chatbot Corner”
Our new column on AI in psychiatry explores the future of mental health care.
Chatbots: The Stethoscope for the 21st Century
Here’s how placing current debates within historical context can help us better understand the potential trajectory of artificial intelligence in psychiatry and medicine.