Our Medical Marriage (Podcast)
November 17th 2012-for SusanneWe kneeled on the bookstore floortwo students scanning the bodiesof new books, checking outeach other's Principlesof Internal Medicine.Scores of textbooks laterwe're a pair of pagers and missed dinners,companions in sleep-deprived nights.We suffered the long delaybefore our only child while we ranto slashed wrists and ODs,sprinted from half-read journalto school play to board meeting.In conversation long as summer lightwe talked patients and drugs,recited the simple prayers of dying,learned how we both took medicineas a life-long lover.One hushed June evening in mid-lifescented rose and thick with fire-flies,the phone steals her.I sit with my half-filled glass
How JFK Killed My Father (Podcast)
November 5th 2012Within recent medical times psychologic investigations have reawakened interest in the psychological settings in which illness develops. Reports in the literature have singled out loss as a precipitating factor in a variety of disorders . . . including ulcerative colitis. –Arthur H. Schmale Jr, MDIt was a time when men wore fedorasbanded on the crown, each band with a feathertucked into a bow, and inside,sweat bands carved from calf skins