Dr Alarcón is Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, Rochester, MN; Honorio Delgado Chair, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Perú; and Editorial Board Member of Psychiatric Times.
Anti-Semitism and Psychiatry: Recognition, Prevention, and Interventions
April 28th 2020Conceived as a needed sequel of Islamophobia and Psychiatry, this volume reflects not only the intellectual cogency and scholarly vision of its Editors but also a solid presentation of multiple perspectives on a complex social phenomenon.
Mental Health in a Pandemic State: The Route From Social Isolation to Loneliness
March 25th 2020The COVID-19 pandemic has gained its place on the dark side of world history for a variety of reasons: sudden onset, speed of global transmission, mistakes in recognition and management, politically inspired neglect or minimizations.
Rescuing an Essential Component of Psychiatry: Psychotherapy Training in Psychiatric Education
February 10th 2020A diminished interest in psychotherapeutic interventions runs the risk of missing patients' emotional, social, and practical needs (including medication-modifiable symptoms) and, thus, less clinically responsible care.
Inside the DSM-V Process: Issues, Debates, and Reflections
July 6th 2009Being a member of 1 of the 13 working groups of the DSM-V Task Force is, indeed, a unique experience. Having a large number of respected colleagues working diligently on areas that they have mastered with indisputable authority over the years is an intellectually fascinating experience.
Cultural Issues in the Emergency Setting
November 1st 2006The setting of a fast-paced emergency department (ED) or psychiatric emergency service makes it especially difficult to sensitively elicit and address an individual patient's needs and concerns. When considering the myriad differences in culture that come into play between a patient and a psychiatrist or other mental health care clinician, optimal diagnosis and treatment can be even more challenging, as the cases described here illustrate. The important influence of culture cannot be stressed enough. Taking the time to understand "where the patient is coming from" can prevent an already stressful, highly emotionally charged situation from becoming even more convoluted.