Cognitive Impairment in Patients Receiving Cancer Chemotherapy
April 1st 2006Anxiety and depression are the most often cited problems related to a cancer diagnosis, because receiving this diagnosis is often very frightening. Feeling sad, worrying relentlessly, and being unable to experience pleasure often lead people to feel that they may be on the path to losing their minds. However, in the past few years a more subtle phenomenon has been identified related to cognitive deficits allegedly associated with chemotherapy treatment, sometimes called chemobrain.
Improving Quality of Life: Psychiatric Aspects of Treating Prostate Cancer
April 1st 2005Prostate cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in men, is the most common cancer in males in the United States. Out of an estimated 230,000 new cases in 2004, more than 70% will occur in men over age 65. Close liaison between urologists, prostate oncologists, radiation oncologists and psychiatrists allows for improved information transfer and proper referrals, as well as improved identification of the symptoms as being either physical, psychological or both.