A psychiatrist reflects on the importance of time... and living in the moment.
Hold on to today
for when today ends
life goes to sleep
with no promise
of seeing the rising
of the sun.
Hold on to today
for where the day goes
tomorrow is not
far behind praying
for a second chance
to shine.
Focus on the now
for when the now ceases
near is the end of our time
beckoning us to
forgive and love
one another.
Focus on the now
for where the now moves
death follows closely
urging us to
live with purpose
and desire.
Dr Clark is an outpatient psychiatrist at Prisma Health-Upstate and clinical associate professor at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Greenville. He served on the American Psychiatric Association’s Task Force to Address Structural Racism Throughout Psychiatry, and he currently serves as the Diversity and Inclusion section editor and advisory board member for Psychiatric TimesTM.