2024 into 2025: a period of highs and lows for schizophrenia treatment.
"I hope we're at the dawn of this new era in schizophrenia," said Michael Asbach, DMSc, PA-C, Psych-CAQ, at the Real Psychiatry conference in Scottsdale, AZ. "But at the same time we've had some tempering to that excitement."
2024 and going into 2025 has been a period of highs and lows for schizophrenia treatment, shared Asbach. There was the excitement of Cobenfy and a new class of medication with a novel mechanism of action.
"This has really completely changed the way we think about this illness in terms of potential pathophysiology and potential causes," said Asbach.
At the same time, several muscarinic medications did not come through on their clinical trials.
"It's a great reminder of how difficult drug development is. Our confidence may not necessarily translate to success," said Asbach.
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Mr Asbach is a psychiatric physician associate and serves as associate director of interventional psychiatry at DENT Neurologic Institute in New York.