Many individuals with dementia wander. How can caregivers keep their loved ones with dementia safe?
The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that as many as 6 in 10 individuals with dementia will wander. In this Mental Health Minute video, Kristen Osterhoudt, regional coordinator for education and training services at the Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver Support Initiative, shares how the initiative’s Project Lifesaver program can help caregivers keep their loved ones with dementia safe.
Ms Osterhoudt is the regional coordinator for education and training services for the Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver Support Initiative serving all counties covered within the initiative, which includes Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, Warren, and Washington. She graduated from Saint Michael’s College with a BA in Sociology and Education. As the coordinator for education and training services, Ms Osterhoudt provides free specialized education for caregivers of those with dementia and facilitates training in group settings or on a one-on-one basis in the caregiver’s home. She also facilitates Support Groups and Memory Cafes throughout the region. She is passionate about education, providing caregivers with knowledge, and connecting them to resources within their communities.