
Report Reveals More Than 50% of Americans Misuse At-Home Ketamine


The Future of Mental Health: Ketamine Therapy Report revealed that 55% of Americans who tried at home ketamine took more than the recommended dose.



All Points North (APN) released its Future of Mental Health: Ketamine Therapy Report, which examined opinions on and experiences with ketamine therapy, including at-home ketamine treatments.1 Researchers surveyed 2000 adults and found that 64% of those taking ketamine said it helped with their symptoms; however, 55% of all Americans and 58% of Millennials who tried at-home ketamine therapy reported accidentally or purposefully using more than the recommended dose.Additionally, more than one quarter (26%) agree they would rather use ketamine than antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications to treat their mental health symptoms.

“When researching or suggesting any new mental health treatment, care for the patient and an evaluation of its benefits in tandem with their ongoing treatment plan and goals should come first and foremost. When it comes to ketamine-assisted therapy, there are telehealth options that make the use of psychedelics seem harmless and easy to do at-home, unsupervised, but these companies far too often take a back seat when it comes to the therapy aspect—often leaving patients to fend for themselves which leads to accidental misuse or abuse of the drug,” said Noah Nordheimer, founder and CEO of APN.

The report recommended that ketamine therapy only be used in combination with psychotherapy under the supervision of a clinician, as risk exponentially increases when patients self-medicate: 1 in 5 (21%) of respondents have reported doing using ketamine or other psychedelic drugs for the purpose of self-treating anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses.

Nordheimer echoed this sentiment. “Patients seeking the help of psychedelics should look for options that include clinical supervision and a trusted team of therapists, beginning with an in-person assessment and evaluation of the patient's unique needs and goals.”

Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X are more likely to try ketamine in comparison with Baby Boomers; they are also more likely to abuse or misuse ketamine. Approximately 2 in 5 (41%) Gen Zers reported self-medication with ketamine or other psychedelics, and 1 in 3 (29%) Millennials reported using ketamine or other psychedelic drugs for the purpose of recreation or experimentation.

“Mental health therapies should only be used in the way peer-reviewed studies for clinical validation have deemed them safe. Even then, we should carefully evaluate who is best suited for which treatments, as mental health is not one size fits all. Oversimplified at-home ketamine offerings can result in patients irresponsibly self-medicating or becoming dependent; it’s also less likely to help them in the long run,” said Nordheimer.


1. 2023 Future of mental health: ketamine therapy report. Plus by APN. 2023. Accessed March 8, 2023.

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