Do you need more information on opioid use disorder? This webinar can help.
The National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) is offering a new webinar, “Opioid Use Disorder Treatment for Beginners.”
In this webinar, you can expect to:
• Summarize the basics of three medications used for MAT, including prescribing and licensing requirements
• Explain how to interpret drug testing results
• Analyze common issues that can adversely impact successful treatment
The presentation will review the basics of MAT selection, diagnostic criteria, treatment initiation, management, and discontinuation. The presenter—Lawrence Mendel, DO, FACCP, CCHP—will also discuss urine drug screen interpretation, support services to enhance success, and federal OTP regulations. This webinar will offer information from this comprehensive overview of MAT therapy and support services from a beginner’s perspective.
Dr Mendel is the former medical director of the Ohio prison system. He retired from correctional care in 2018 to work in addiction medicine, and has worked with Maryhaven, the largest and oldest substance abuse treatment organization in Central Ohio with OTP patients and inpatient care, since that time.
Registration is $59 ($49 for CCHPs), which includes access to the power point presentation, the webinar recording and CE credit—1.00 hours for ACCME, ANCC, APA, and CCHP.
Register here.