An expert discusses the clinical, biological, and genetic components of de novo mutations and autism spectrum disorders.
Here to talk about clinical, biological, and genetic components of de novo mutations and autism spectrum disorders is Dr Matthew State, a child psychiatrist and human geneticist studying pediatric neuropsychiatric syndromes, including autism spectrum disorder, Tourette disorder, and childhood-onset schizophrenia.
Dr State spoke at a recent Grand Rounds at Yale University Department of Psychiatry in a Ribicoff Lecture: "Passing the Tipping Point: De Novo Mutations and the Emerging Biology of Autism Spectrum Disorders."
Dr State is Oberndorf Family Distinguished Professor and Chair of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco. His lab focuses on gene discovery as a launching point for efforts to illuminate the biology of these conditions and to develop novel and more effective therapies.
Further readingDozens of Genes Associated with Autism in New ResearchAutism and Schizophrenia
For the transcript, please see "Autism: Where Do We Go From Here?"