The resource includes the latest research and best practices for addressing the opioid crisis with incarcerated individuals.
[This press release was provided by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care via its Strategic Alliance Partnership with Psychiatric Times.]
Jail Guidelines for the Medical Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 2025
NCCHC’s new resource, Jail Guidelines for the Medical Treatment of Substance Use Disorders 2025, provides the latest research and best practices for addressing the opioid crisis and ensuring that incarcerated individuals receive effective treatment. This free publication incorporates up-to-date, evidence-based recommendations for implementing and evaluating medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs, along with insights into the evolving regulatory landscape.
To support informed decision-making and the adoption of evidence-based practices in jail-based MAT programs, this guide offers:
In 2018, NCCHC partnered with the National Sheriffs’ Association to develop Jail-Based MAT: Promising Practices, Guidelines, and Resources. Since then, the landscape of substance use disorder treatment in jails and the broader community has evolved significantly. Despite a growing legal mandate to provide MAT, many agencies still face knowledge gaps that hinder effective program implementation.
Endorsed by the American Jail Association and the National Sheriffs’ Association, this new publication equips correctional facilities with the tools needed to navigate these challenges and expand access to life-saving treatment.