Psychiatric Times
The 2022 Annual Psychiatric Times World CME Conference is coming in August.
From the Editor
Through the past 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, time has become amorphous. Events that occurred in the past month or two feel like they happened long ago. Memories of distant experiences feel more recent. This warping of the sense of time hit home to me recently as we at Psychiatric TimesTM and Physician’s Education Resource®, LLC, began planning our 2022 Annual Psychiatric TimesTM World CME Conference™, scheduled August 11-13, 2022, in San Diego, California. Last year’s conference, which was in early October, feels like it took place years ago.
Contributing to the time warp is the fact that the past 2 conferences, both initially scheduled to be live in San Diego, ended up being virtual. Despite not having a crystal ball, I am hopeful that this year’s conference will be a live event. Attending an in-person conference amplifies the experience: the palpable energy in the room during a presentation; the side conversations that enrich the topic at hand; mingling with friends and colleagues, old and new; informal gatherings that strengthen collegiality and our shared purpose; and having time to explore the richness of San Diego, which offers something for everyone.
Responding to the feedback from attendees of the past 2 virtual conferences, we will also offer attendance virtually, which allows clinicians who otherwise would not be able to attend to participate in the rich and comprehensive curriculum. Virtual attendees can submit questions to our expert faculty and will earn the same 14.5 CME credits as live attendees. It is likely that this hybrid model for conferences, which mirrors how we are practicing psychiatry, will remain as the “new normal.”
Our beloved profession of psychiatry continues to rapidly evolve. The conference’s signature format of 20-minute presentations allows for coverage of a range of topics to maximize the learning experience and provide a thorough update of important advances. I encourage you to explore our conference schedule at As always, ample time will be provided for questions from participants to the faculty for each subsection of the conference.
I look forward to spending time with you, our readers, and hearing your thoughts and feedback on how we can improve Psychiatric TimesTM to continue our mission to provide timely, practice-oriented, and peer-reviewed content—our foundational purpose since the inception of Psychiatric TimesTM in 1985. As I write this sitting in my home office in Exeter, New Hampshire, in late February, the day after a 1-foot snowstorm and a frigid 15 degrees outside, I close my eyes and imagine sitting outside, overlooking the Pacific Ocean with a warm breeze filling the air, the sun massaging my body, and I revel in how good it will be to be back in San Diego.
I look forward to seeing you there! ❒