Here are 4 things to do when implementing a treatment strategy for tardive dyskinesia.
Amber Hoberg, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC, shared her strategies for treating tardive dyskinesia at Real Psychiatry in Scottsdale, AZ. Here's what she does to ensure the best possible outcomes for her patients.
1. Make sure you have an accurate diagnosis of tardive dyskinesia.
2. Use on-label treatment. There are 2 US Food and Drug Administration-approved options:
3. Look at what medications patients are already taking and make a decision for tardive dyskinesia treatment based upon that.
4. The goal is to optimize dosing and treat tardive dyskinesia in its entirety. Sometimes movement issues will improve, but the patient will still feel impacted. Adjust dosing accordingly.
Ms Hoberg is a board-certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner who works in San Antonio, Texas and surrounding areas.