
Evidence Points to Psychotic Symptoms as Clinical Marker for Suicide Attempts

Adolescents with psychopathology who also experience psychotic symptoms have a nearly 70-fold increased odds of acute suicide attempts, according to new research.

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Researchers followed 1112 school-based adolescents (aged 13 to 16 years), who were assessed at baseline and then again at 3 and 12 months for self-reported psychopathology, psychotic symptoms, and suicide attempts. At the 3-month mark, only 1% of those without baseline psychotic symptoms reported suicide attempts; meanwhile, 7% of those adolescents who reported psychotic symptoms at baseline reported suicide attempts. At 12 months, the number of adolescents who attempted suicide jumped to 20% for those who reported psychotic symptoms at baseline, compared with 2.5% for those without psychotic symptoms. The numbers were even higher for those adolescents with both psychopathology psychotic symptoms, with 14% and 34% attempting suicide by 3 months and 12 months, respectively.

The researchers explained, “Psychotic symptoms may be a marker of increasing severity of psychopathology, including increased nonpsychotic psychiatric symptom burden and multimorbidity, that indexes risk for suicidal behavior.”1

Clinically, they added, this research shows “the need for a new clinical focus on careful assessment of psychotic symptoms (both attenuated and frank) in patients with nonpsychotic disorders; this should be considered a key element of suicide risk assessment.”1


1. Kelleher I, Corcoran P, Keeley H, et al. Psychotic symptoms and population risk for suicide attempt: a prospective cohort study. JAMA Psychiatry. 2013 Jul 17 [Epub ahead of print]. Accessed July 29, 2013.

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