Award honors the contributions of those who support international medical graduates.
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The American Psychiatric Association (APA) and APA Foundation recently announced that Rajesh Tampi, MD, MS, DFAPA, DFAAGP, has been selected to receive the 2022 George Tarjan Award.
Rajesh Tampi, MD, MS, DFAPA, DFAAGP
Established in 1992 and named for the APA’s first international medical graduate (IMG) president, the George Tarjan Award recognizes physicians who have made significant strides and contributions in enhancing the integration of IMGs into American psychiatry.1 The award will be presented to Tampi at the APA Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, May 21-25, 2022. At this time, Tampi will receive an engraved plaque and a $500 honorarium (email communication, November 2, 2021).
“I am truly honored to have been selected to receive the APA’s 2022 George Tarjan Award,” Tampi told Psychiatric Times. “I would like to dedicate this award to all my psychiatrist colleagues and friends who have worked tirelessly to help international medical graduates like me have the good fortune of training and practicing as a psychiatrist in the United States.”
Tampi is chairman of the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at Cleveland Clinic Akron General; chief of the Section for Geriatric Psychiatry at Cleveland Clinic; a professor of medicine with Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University; and an adjunct professor of psychiatry in the Yale School of Medicine. He is a past president of the APA’s IMG Caucus, and a Distinguished Fellow of the APA and the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Tampi is also the Geriatric Psychiatry Section Editor for Psychiatric TimesTM. His clinic and research interests include managing psychiatric disorders late in life, legal and ethical issues in geriatric psychiatry, neurodegenerative disorders, and integrated geriatric-psychiatric care.2
1. American Psychiatric Association. George Tarjan Award. American Psychiatric Association. 2021. Accessed November 18, 2021.
2. Yale School of Medicine. Rajesh Tampi MBBS, DFAPA, MS. Yale School of Medicine. 2021. Accessed November 18, 2021.