Imposter syndrome: a doctor’s nemesis…
My therapist and I had a session a few weeks ago about my imposter syndrome, a nemesis that has presented itself during various seasons in my life. I encourage medical students and residents that I mentor and supervise to practice self-compassion. I hope this poem helps the generations of white coats find peace.
Encapsulating self-adhesive self-compassion that searches the delusional imposter
drenched with anxiety anticipating the antidote for perduring perfectionistic white coats
immersed with years of doubt detergent. Exhale!
Dr Clark is clinical assistant professor at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine-Greenville and medical director & division chief for Adult Inpatient and Consult-Liaison Services for the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at Prisma Health-Upstate. He serves as the Diversity & Inclusion Section Editor and Advisory Board member for Psychiatric TimesTM.