Difficulties With Insurance and Patient Care: “Why Is the System So Complicated?”
Legislative and legal realities at the state and federal levels are difficult to navigate even for seasoned practitioners, and are beyond the knowledge of most families.
Mental Illness Is an Equal Opportunity Employer
How does affluence impact mental health outcomes?
“This Is Not Me!”: The Debilitating Impact of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a condition that is often underestimated and mistaken for typical premenstrual symptoms or mood swings.
Neurosyphilis: When an Antipsychotic Is Not Enough
Neurosyphilis may occur during any stage of syphilis. Learn more about this diagnosis via case study example here.
Stress and Substance Use Among Drag Performers
What influence do legislation and social-based decisions have on individual mental health, like in the case of drag performers?
Unmasking the Hidden Dangers: Office Duster Abuse as an Example of Inhalant Use Disorder
Inhalant use disorder is characterized by the intentional inhalation of volatile substances for their psychoactive effects. Learn more about how to help manage this disorder.
“Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Cologne?” A Window Into Frontal Lobe Syndrome
Frontal lobe syndrome can present with a range of behaviors that do not meet traditional dementia/neurocognitive disorder criteria.
The Confluence of Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Militias, and Substance Use
Explore the devastating impact of substance abuse, human trafficking, and conflict on individuals and communities.
“What Is Happening to My Wife?”
Agitation, possibly leading to aggression, is a major issue in emergency centers. Explore a case of agitation in the emergency department.
Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia: Can DBS Be the Solution?
Due to ethical, knowledge, cost, and acceptability issues, deep brain stimulation is underutilized in disease states like treatment-resistant schizophrenia.
Social Anxiety Disorder: An Underappreciated Entity
Social anxiety disorder: an underappreciated and misunderstood condition.
From Crisis to Coping: Strategies for Supporting Trauma-Affected Refugee Youth
Look through the eyes of a medical health care team in a refugee camp with a focus on children’s mental health.
Which Came First, Cannabis Use or Psychosis?
Explore the complex interaction of cannabis and psychosis, and the sociocultural stressors and resulting neurobehavioral symptoms.
To Hospitalize or Not? A Challenge of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Seen From the Emergency Medicine Perspective
The law says anyone under the age of 18 is considered “incompetent” in regard to health care decisions. But is this what’s best for treatment?
“I’m Just So Tired”: Fatigue in a Medically Complicated Patient
Fatigue is a very common physical complaint. What therapeutic options are available?
The Many Faces of Catatonia, An Under-Recognized Clinical Syndrome
Catatonia: learn more about how to best diagnose early.
My Patient Overdosed and Now I Feel Guilty…
“I Have No One”: Understanding Homelessness and Trauma
More than 80% of homeless individuals report having experienced life-altering trauma at some point in their lives.
Trust, Patience, and Communication: Treating Bulimia Nervosa When Residential Programs are Unavailable
How can you help patients with bulimia nervosa beyond residential programs?
ADHD Considerations for Clinical Practice
ADHD is still surrounded by questions. What do we know?
Headaches and Psychiatric Illness
Headaches are a common comorbidity among a variety of psychiatric diagnoses.
“I Want to Do This for My Baby”: The Woes of Pregnancy and Addiction
Substance use disorder may prove to be a significant issue for some mothers.
Surviving Survivorship
Surviving is harder than it looks…
Everyone Relapses Anyway. Or Do They?
Approximately 7.6% of men and 4.1% of women aged 18 and older suffer from AUD, but national surveys consistently demonstrate low utilization of treatments.
Delirium: Don’t Miss It
Delirium: an underrecognized, underdiagnosed medical condition.
My Life is Hell, Doc. Please Help Me!
Why are psychotherapeutic interventions crucial in the treatment of GAD and anxiety disorders in general?
“I’m Not Ready to Die”
A patient, faced with a lung cancer diagnosis and the fear of death, goes through the stages of grief. How can you as clinicians lead them through?
To Treat or Not to Treat? The Conundrum of Likeability
Treating patients who may be perceived as “unlikeable” can be difficult.
I Had to Use
A patient presents with multiple substance use disorders super-imposed on mood and anxiety disorders. Where does a clinician even begin?
A Love Letter to the Patient-Physician Relationship
What can be done to strengthen the therapeutic alliance?