The Dumbest Idea in Mental Health
Some of the things we do in the name of mental health will one day seem bizarre and barbaric to those who come after us…
The Country Needs Us, and We Need the Goldwater Rule
A time for fighting or a time for peace?
Benzodiazepines: Fellow Psychiatrists, We Still Have Work to Do
While benzodiazepine prescribing certainly carries risks, those risks have been demonstrably exaggerated in the minds of government officials, critics, and the public at large.
The Power of Plain Old Psychiatry
Patients should be confident about what psychiatric care offers, regardless of whether they utilize any specific treatments, or even recognize that they are receiving therapeutic care.
Treatment For Depression: Does it Work? Does it Matter?
Psychiatric treatment works to a degree comparable to other branches of medicine which address complex, chronic illnesses.
The Unheralded Revolution in Psychotherapy Research
Why does the media continue to persecute psychotherapy?
The Neurodiversity Movement: Confusing Illness with Stigma?
Where might proponents of neurodiversity and psychiatrists agree?
The Traumas of Involuntary Treatment
Involuntary treatment is a trauma.
Psychiatric Illness and Its Prejudiced Critics
Mental illness is medically real.
Mental Health’s Most Toxic Myth
What if the psychiatrist’s public face changed from that of a distant prescriber to one of a fellow warrior in the trenches?
Are Psychiatrists Pill Pushers?
Let’s stop fighting amongst ourselves as a mental health movement and focus on biological as well as psychosocial treatment.
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy: The Great Divorce That Never Happened
A frequent criticism of psychiatry: psychiatrists do not learn, practice, or value psychotherapy. Is it true?
Is There a Cure for Ignorance? The Shocking Truth About Psychiatric Treatment
The truth: Psychiatric treatment works.
Psychotherapy: A Core Psychiatric Treatment
How important is psychotherapy today?
The History of Psychiatry—A History of Failure?
How does a recent critique of the history of psychiatry get it wrong?
The DSM: Diagnostic Manual or Diabolical Manipulation?
"Nobody likes the DSM..."
Just Because We Do Not Know Everything Does Not Mean We Do Not Know Anything
In this new series, explore how to approach the criticisms of psychiatry.