February 27th 2025
"Connect me to all children, Under undue distress all ‘round the world, Shaping the future of our warring lands..."
February 13th 2025
"It is the winter of chest pain and snow, all the drunks smashed through the ER doors..."
February 5th 2025
Explore the theme of mortality and the fleeting nature of time in a poem inspired by Stoic philosophy and personal reflection.
January 16th 2025
"I begin by remembering my hours as a patient..."
January 1st 2025
A psychiatrist reflects on the New Year and its potential...
"How a Psychiatrist Writes a Poem"
"This is the moment my therapist would cross his legs, look into my eyes, and wait for me to reveal something."
The Talking Cure
"They don't teach the talking treatment anymore..."
"Here the body’s art conspires with destruction..."
"Each wound contains its own beauty..."
"Who would be a turtle who could help it?"
2 True Stories
Medical student Liz Irvin discusses how storytelling is integral to her ability to stay sensitive when it comes to medicine and education, and shares a poem about an experience she had caring for others before starting medical school.
"Autumn Faces"
"The season pivots and bends to the darkening north..."
Mrs. Butterworth, Uncle Ben & Aunt Jemima
"The headlines said Well-Loved American Foods Resisted Arrest, Failed to Comply, and Were Delicious While Black."
Last Rights – Ode to C7
“We’ll soon become the land, Of death on demand…”
"Nursing Home Doctors"
"I say Good Morning! and he studies me in my white coat, like skin lesion he has seen only once in a textbook."
Nursing Home Doctors
"After each lap around the circular hall the aides smile, Hello Doctor!"
The Nation
"The national day had dawned."
After Apple Picking
"I am overtired, Of the great harvest I myself desired."
"Einstein’s Happiest Moment"
"...a falling man falling beside a falling apple could also be described as an apple and a man at rest..."
"I imagine an ossuary blooming in my gut, a stone well of tiny bones, ancestors tunneling through the cartilage, though of course I know this is impossible: ancestors are supposed to stay dead."
Einstein’s Happiest Moment
"Einstein’s happiest moment occurred when he realized a falling man falling beside a falling apple could also be described as an apple and a man at rest..."
Hurried Prayer to My Chainsaw
"...I swear to not be in a half-assed rush, wear helmet & ear guards, keep my gloves on for even a fast cut..."
Goes to the market Just to hear another voice: “Paper or plastic?”
Belief in Magic
"A single gem has throbbed in my chest my whole life, even though, even though this is my second heart..."
Ficus Lyrata...
"One September morning, the day I started medical school, I placed a two-foot specimen in my sunny south window."
"Ficus Lyrata"
"...the heart-shaped ficus leaves dropping like sad notes from a Spanish song..."
"Poetry arrived in search of me."
Autumn Faces
"Back home, we glimpse our autumn faces in the hallway mirror."
"That’s when I started dreaming I could be a doctor someday, that I could get away, prescribe myself a new life."
Fallen Peaches
A psychiatrist weighs in on the breaking news in Georgia, where there is yet another school shooting.
A Blessing
"But before offering it to us over steamed rice, even before his gods, he’d serve those who were not home..."
How It Will End
"We sit on a bench to find out how it will end..."
Treating Paul Celan
"While considering Celan's suicide, I think back to Virginia Woolf drowning herself..."
"Treating Paul Celan"
"But after we’ve met for the time it takes to smoke eight hundred packs of cigarettes, after all the medication trials, the damaged sighs and side effects, I wonder, Would Celan still drown himself in the River Seine?"
“Unfolding”: Rethinking Development, A Report from the Global South
Finding social truth in poetic metaphors.