Working With Law Enforcement to Provide Health Care for the Acute Mentally Ill
November 30th 2015Jails have a much higher percentage of homeless mentally ill than does the general community, and those with psychiatric disorders (eg, schizophrenia) must often fend for themselves. Here are some solutions.
The Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Emergency: A Public Health Challenge
November 30th 2015Currently, 1 in 15 youths undergoing psychiatric evaluation in the emergency department is restrained. This article covers diagnostic and therapeutic interventions that can reduce fear and put the young patient on a path to recovery.
Interviewing in the Emergency Setting
November 30th 2015Acute intoxication is the most likely culprit for an increased risk of violence or agitation, but personality, psychosis, and cognitive problems can all play a role. A skilled clinician can glean a great deal of information in a short period of time.
Managing the Suicidal College Student: Advice for Community Providers
November 23rd 2015Although college students are in many ways similar to any patient in their age group, their environment and stressors differ in significant ways. The authors identify issues to consider in assessing and managing suicidality in this population.