When Baby and OCD Are on Board Assessment and Treatment Issues
March 31st 2020OCD in the general population often differs from OCD that presents in the perinatal period. It is imperative to recognize, assess, and treat perinatal OCD to improve maternal and child outcomes and have a transgenerational impact.
Managing Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
March 20th 2020BPSD is associated with worse outcomes for patients with dementia. Management is not standardized, but protocols generally involve the treatment of underlying symptoms followed by the use of nonpharmacological management techniques and evidence-based pharmacotherapy for refractory BPSD.
Reframing Our Relationship With Pharma
March 19th 2020It can be disheartening to hear about the pervasive culture at many medical centers and health care systems to ostracize the pharmaceutical industry, and not uncommonly, to threaten to fire employed physicians and clinicians who would like to attend educational programs about new medications on their own free time.
The New Game of Microbiology Clue: The Who, When, Where, and Why of the Novel Coronavirus
March 16th 2020Psychiatrists must have a basic understanding of the pathophysiology of coronaviruses in order to be able to accurately explain and discuss those issues with their patients, especially as mental health ramifications are expected.
Psychiatrists Beware! The Impact of COVID-19 and Pandemics on Mental Health
March 15th 2020Psychiatrists are uniquely situated to help both their patients and the greater community understand the potential impact of the virus and help patients, families, and society deal with this latest threat.