Sleep Disturbances with Substances of Abuse and Dependence
July 1st 1994Sleep disorders and substance abuse disorders are widespread acrossthe United States, researchers have found. According to the NationalCommission on Sleep Disorders Research, more than 80 million Americanscomplain of sleep difficulties, while Schuckit and Irwin reportedthe lifetime prevalence of alcohol abuse or dependence to be 13percent and nonalcohol drug abuse, 5.9 percent.
Hypnotics and the Perception of Wakefulness
July 1st 1994Insomnia, the subjective sense of having inadequate quantity orquality of sleep, may result from a variety of causes. In itschronic form, such etiologies may include psychiatric disorderssuch as depression or anxiety, medical illnesses, medications,substance abuse, circadian dysrhythmias and pathophysiologiesintrinsic to sleep such as sleep apnea or periodic movement disorder.When these conditions have been ruled out, however, there remaintwo very interesting groups that at this time are best understoodin psychophysiological terms.
A Psychiatrist's Primer on Sleep Apnea
July 1st 1994Sleep apnea, a medical disorder with significant health and behavioraleffects, is of particular interest to psychiatrists for its capacityto mimic or exacerbate symptoms of psychiatric disturbances suchas depression, anxiety and panic disorder.