Nidal Moukaddam, MD, PhD, shares treatment approaches and clinical advice for the management of bipolar disorder.
EP. 1: Patient Case: 30-Year-Old Male With Bipolar Disorder
Nidal Moukaddam, MD, PhD, presents the case of a 30-year-old male diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder and shares her initial impressions on diagnosis.
EP. 2: Approaching the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Dr Moukaddam shares factors to consider when approaching the treatment of bipolar disorder.
EP. 3: Treatment Selection for Bipolar Disorder
Nidal Moukaddam, MD, PhD, provides insight on the evolving treatment landscape for bipolar disorder and optimizing therapies for disease management.
EP. 4: Takeaways for Bipolar Disorder Management
Dr Moukaddam discusses key takeaways for the management of bipolar disorder.